美国怀雅特技术公司(Wyatt Technology Corporation,WTC) www.wyatt.com.cn www.wyatt.com
美国怀雅特技术公司(Wyatt Technology Corporation,WTC)是一家开发,生产和销售以激光光散射为主的科研仪器和软件的高技术公司。本公司由博士创建于一九八二年,公司本部设在美国加利福尼亚州的圣芭芭拉市(Santa Barbara,CA,USA)。公司用户遍及世界各地五十多个国家和地区,产品主要用于生物技术、医药工业、化工领域以及高等院校和政府的科研机构。
对于每台售出的仪器,Wyatt技术公司都有其令人称赞的“光散射大学(LSU)”的训练课程。我们提供全面的训练材料,讲解,动手实验,提问解答课程以及同推广这一技术人会面的机会。我们的科学家,客户服务工程师和程序编制员都经常来LSU与客户交流。对于美国本土客户,我们甚至可以提供往返机票,欢迎您从全世界的任何地方到我们在美国加州Santa Barbara 的培训学院。我们提供美味的食物,犒劳您一天的辛苦工作。我们的Critical CareTM程序对我们所有的仪器产品都提供了全面的服务支持。它包括承修时暂借给客户使用的替代仪器,在培训时附加的培训信用折扣,以及购买备用件和附件时可观的优惠等等,这些都保证您在这一技术上的投资在仪器使用数年后依然持续得到回报。
美国怀雅特技术公司(Wyatt Technology Corporation,WTC)是一家开发,生产和销售以激光光散射为主的科研仪器和软件的高技术公司。本公司由博士创建于一九八二年,公司本部设在美国加利福尼亚州的圣芭芭拉市(Santa Barbara,CA,USA)。公司用户遍及世界各地五十多个国家和地区,产品主要用于生物技术、医药工业、化工领域以及高等院校和政府的科研机构。
对于每台售出的仪器,Wyatt技术公司都有其令人称赞的“光散射大学(LSU)”的训练课程。我们提供全面的训练材料,讲解,动手实验,提问解答课程以及同推广这一技术人会面的机会。我们的科学家,客户服务工程师和程序编制员都经常来LSU与客户交流。对于美国本土客户,我们甚至可以提供往返机票,欢迎您从全世界的任何地方到我们在美国加州Santa Barbara 的培训学院。我们提供美味的食物,犒劳您一天的辛苦工作。我们的Critical CareTM程序对我们所有的仪器产品都提供了全面的服务支持。它包括承修时暂借给客户使用的替代仪器,在培训时附加的培训信用折扣,以及购买备用件和附件时可观的优惠等等,这些都保证您在这一技术上的投资在仪器使用数年后依然持续得到回报。
Quality at Wyatt Technology begins by listening attentively to our customers. We strive to make all customer contact with Wyatt Technology into a positive experience. Regardless of whether the customer issue is one of service, innovation or product quality, our aim is to delight the customer. We set and maintain the highest standards for production consistency, while incorporating flexibility and innovation into each process. We seek innovative ways to improve our work habits and adopt the best practices from wherever we find them, whenever we find them.
The inventors of the world's first multi-angle laser light scattering (MALS) instrument share a moment to celebrate their achievement.
The Wyatt Technology Corporation (WTC) is involved in the research, development, and commercialization of absolute macromolecular characterization techniques and their instrumentation. Founded in March 1982 by Dr. Philip Wyatt, the company was formed around his patents, ideas and inventions in industrial, military, and medical domains. To date, WTC has developed instruments capable of measuring the multi-angle light scattering characteristics of macromolecules (and particles) in solution, refractometers, as well as instruments for airborne aerosol monitoring and biodefense.
To a great extent, much of WTC's business began with the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts awarded to the firm for its outstanding technological prowess and potential. The SBIR contracts are administered by certain agencies of the U.S. Government who have set aside a fraction of their authorized R&D funding for exclusive award to small businesses (a "small business" has fewer than 500 employees). The purpose of these highly competitive programs is to encourage scientific and technical innovation in areas deemed to be of national importance. The successful commercialization of products developed under these programs is one of the most important objectives of SBIR funding.
WTC has been awarded contracts from the U.S. Army Bioengineering Medical Research & Development Laboratory to establish the feasibility of instrumentation for the detection of toxicants in drinking water within sixty minutes. Another contract from the U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command to build an aerosol monitoring device for sub-micron particles. The potential applications for this instrument include real time identification of aerosol particles such as asbestos fibers and biological agents.
Another major contract was awarded by the Office of Naval Research, to develop an in situ particle monitoring device for characterizing undersea environments and their particulate constituents.
But by far, the company's commercial instruments, known by the trade name DAWN®, have been the driving force of the company in the 1990's. With extensive emphasis placed on intellectual property and new, patentable developments, the DAWN and miniDAWN systems have been sold in increasing numbers for more than a decade. Instruments have been placed in literally thousands of laboratories throughout the world, making them the most widely-recognized light scattering products on earth. The utility of the instruments is underscored by the burgeoning bibliography of publications, most of which have appeared in refereed journals. The DAWN systems provide unique and powerful tools for many different areas of analytical chemistry, including quality control, process control, molecular weight and size determinations, and a host of other applications, which are all possible with these multi-angle light scattering instruments.
The DAWN detectors are used by the world's most prestigious universities and some of the largest corporations in the world including DuPont, Dow, IBM, Glaxo, Unilever, Wyeth, Bayer and Merck. The company's applications have also involved sales to companies at the forefront of the biotechnology arena including Amgen, Genentech, Chiron, Genzyme, and Biogen.
Overseas sales provide an important component of the company's growth. Wyatt Technology actively sells its products throughout Europe, South America and Asia, thereby ensuring the greatest possible visibility and strongest sales potential for these systems. In 1993 Wyatt Technology formed Wyatt Technology Deutschland, a partially-owned subsidiary, to exploit the enormous sales in Germany and prepare for future sales into Eastern Europe. In March 2002, WTD began a new phase of its existence as Wyatt Technology Europe an entity capable of providing even higher levels of support and applications assistance throughout Europe.
A powerful distribution network ensures excellent service and support worldwide, while strategic partnerships with Agilent (as a member of their prestigious "Channel Partner" Program) and Waters Corporation, ensure Wyatt's compatibility with the industry-leading HPLC hardware.
Increasing marketing activities by WTC, both in the U.S. and abroad as well, has heightened universal awareness of the need for better analytical instruments, bo