
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . IfG
Institute for Scientific Instruments

德国IFG www.ifg-adlershof.de
IFG公司位于德国柏林, 是一家专门从事X射线光学和X射线分析的研究型公司。其产品包括X射线毛细管光学、X射线能量过滤和单色器等, 以及安装在扫描电子显微镜上的微聚焦X射线系统及其分析软件。
IfG is a small but very innovative company with the highly qualified staff. The main targets are research and development in selected fields of x-ray optics and x-ray analysis with special competence in x-ray capillary optics and compact instruments for x-ray analytics with spatial resolution.

Our experienced engineers and physicists are your partners in solving special problems of scientific measurement and instrumentation.

We manufacture a wide range of x-ray capillary optics, x-ray energy filters and monochromators. Diffractometric and fluorescence x-ray analysis systems are developed and manufactured according to special requirements of our customers.