
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . 普美康

德国PRIMEDIC(普美康)www.primedic.cn www.primedic.de
曼吉世有限公司( Metrax GmbH)是一家领先的德国企业,拥有三十多年的从业经历,从事创新和高质产品的生产。曼吉世有限公司(Metrax GmbH)从1989年开始研发、生产和销售高质量的急救医疗产品,包括用于急救中心和医院诊所的PRIMEDIC™普美康™自动体外除颤仪(AED)和专业除颤仪。随着PRIMEDIC™普美康™便携式超声仪投入市场,曼吉世有限公司扩展了产品系列,保持其在国内外的领先地位。PRIMEDIC™普美康™品牌意味着先进、创新和适用。 
 As an innovative medical technology company, METRAX has advanced its position worldwide to become a pioneer in the field of emergency medicine.


Since 1973, we have combined our outstanding expertise with intelligent medical technologies and the latest clinical studies to support the development, production and sales of our tried and tested professional and automatic defibrillators of the PRIMEDIC™ brand.
A spirit of pragmatic innovation and many years of experience is the lifeblood pumped into our daily research and development work.
Premium quality products – made in Germany: For emergency rescue personnel across the globe, PRIMEDIC™ defibrillators and mobile ultrasound devices stand for the highest safety standards, swift readiness for use and exceptionally ease-of-use - all at an excellent price/performance ratio. Throughout their entire life-cycles, our products are distinguished by an uncompromising approach to quality and unrestricted functional capability, even under the toughest operating conditions.