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美国 . Microchip Biotechnologies
Microchip Biotechnologies

美国Microchip Biotechnologies, Inc. (MBI) www.microchipbiotech.com
Microchip Biotechnologies, Inc. (MBI) is dedicated to providing integrated systems enabling reliable microsample preparation and analysis for the life sciences. Sample preparation processes tend to be complex and expensive, and researchers must choose to use very manual procedures or expensive, large robotic systems. In addition there is a fundamental mismatch between the volume real world samples present in (as large as 10 ml/ 10-2 liters) and the volumes used by modern analytical instrumentation (as little as 10-9 liters). This mismatch wastes large amounts of expensive consumables and precious samples. MBI is developing technologies aimed at simplifying sample preparation, addressing the issue of volume scale and ultimately developing complete 'sample-to-answer' solutions with a much smaller footprint than is available today.

The Company has proprietary technology to scale large sample volumes to efficient nanoscale solutions that will ultimately reduce labor costs, increase reliability, and provide major savings in highly expensive reagents and scarce samples.

Microchip Biotechnologies was incorporated in July, 2003 and is located in Pleasanton, California.