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英国 . Seal Analytical
Seal Analytical

英国,Seal Analytical, www.seal-analytical.com  www.porvair.com
SEAL 分析仪器公司是总部在英国的针对环保和工业领域实验室离散式全自动湿化学分析仪开发生产商,具有超过25年研发,生产,销售,服务于该行业的经验。
2002年, SEAL 在美国Milwaukee, Wisconsin设立分公司 SEAL Analytical INC.,在美国和加拿大宣传,销售间断化学分析仪。并开始在欧洲和亚太地区指定专业代理商
2004年, SEAL 分析仪器公司成为德国布朗卢比有限公司在美国,英国,和爱尔兰连续流动化学分析仪的独家代理商。
2006年11月,SEAL分析仪器公司收购德国BRAN+LUEBBE公司的连续流动分析仪和近红外线分析仪全球业务,同时在德国成立Seal Analytical GmbH。将德国布朗卢比50多年的连续流动分析仪(原先TECHNICON工业领域)经验和SEAL公司25年成功的间断化学分析技术结合起来,让我们能为全球环保和工业领域的实验室提供完全的全自动湿化学分析解决方案。
2008年Porvair收购Seal Analytical

Seal Analytical   英国Porvair Sciences

SEAL Analytical Limited is a UK based developer of automated wet chemistry discrete analysers for use in environmental and industrial laboratories. SEAL has over 25 years experience with automated discrete analysis.

In 2002, SEAL formed a wholly owned US subsidiary based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to promote the sales of wet chemistry discrete analyzers in the US and Canada. Subsequent to this, SEAL's international roll-out continued with distributors being approved in European and Asian Pacific countries.

In 2004, SEAL became the exclusive distributor of Bran+Luebbe Continuous Flow Analyzers in the USA, UK and Ireland.

In November 2006, SEAL completed the acquisition of the Bran+Luebbe Continuous Flow Analyzer (CFA) and Near InfraRed (NIR) Analyzer businesses. This brings together over 50 years of CFA analysis experience of B+L , formally Technicon Industrial Systems, with SEAL's 25 year track record in discrete analysis, allowing SEAL to offer a truly complimentary solution in Automated Chemical Analysis for environmental and industrial laboratories throughout the world.

In August 2008, SEAL joined the Porvair group of companies. Porvair is a specialist filtration and environmental technology group. This will allow SEAL to continue its dynamic growth and success worldwide. Povair - Seal Announcement

Our objective is to be a leading international supplier of analyzers for environmental and industrial laboratories by:

- designing, manufacturing and selling innovative and technologically advanced products
- satisfying our customers' needs with high quality instruments and service
- forming long-term partnerships with our customers, distributors and suppliers
- operating our business ethically and profitably
- enabling our staff to achieve their full potential.