
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . Beacon
Beacon Analytical Systems

美国Beacon Analytical Systems, Inc. www.beaconkits.com
比克分析方法公司(Beacon Analytical Systems, Inc.)位于美国缅因州的波特兰市。由布赖恩先生和提坦·范博士于1996年6月创办。布赖恩先生和提坦·范博士在免疫诊断试剂的研发及生产方面具有四十多年的丰富经验。

公司创始人,布赖恩先生曾担任美国Millipore 下属公司ImmunoSystems, Inc研发副总裁,而范博士则担任该公司应用发展部经理。ImmunoSystems, Inc是一家专门研发和生产环境检测试剂盒的专业公司,两位创始人在此期间,共计开发了25种以上的不同的免疫检测方法和产品。此前,他们两人曾分别就职于免疫诊断试剂公司。


★ 灵敏度高,特异强。
★ 准确度高,可定量分析
★ 检测时间短,检测量大
★ 检测成本低

★ 灵敏度高,特异性强
★ 准确度高,可定性亦可定量分析
★ 检测时间短,仅需15分钟
★ 设备简单,适合现场检测。

★ 灵敏度高,特异性强
★ 安全,环保
★ 简单,方便

Products information
Crop Protection Chemicals

ELISA Plate kit 酶联免疫试剂盒

s-Metolachlor Plate Kits s-异丙甲草胺检测试剂盒
r- Metolachlor Plate Kits r-异丙甲草胺检测试剂盒
Thiamethoxam Plate Kits 噻虫嗪检测试剂盒
s-Metolachlor -ESA Plate Kits s-异丙甲草胺ESA检测试剂盒
Monoclonal Atrazine Plate Kits 单克隆莠去津检测试剂盒
2,4-D Plate Kits 2,4-D 检测试剂盒
Carbendazim /MBC Plate Kits 多菌灵检测试剂盒
Atrazine Plate Kits 莠去津检测试剂盒
Alachlor Plate Kit 甲草胺检测试剂盒

Tube Kit 测试管

s-Metolachlor Tube Kits s-异丙甲草胺测试管
r- Metolachlor Tube Kits r-异丙甲草胺测试管
Thiamethoxam Tube Kits 噻虫嗪测试管
Monoclonal Atrazine Tube Kits 单克隆莠去津测试管
2,4-D Tube Kits 2,4-D测试管
Atrazine Tube Kits 莠去津测试管


Cyclodienes in Soil Tube Kit 土壤中环戊二烯类杀虫剂测试管
Petroleum Fuels in Water Tube Kit 水中石油辛烷值测试管
Toxaphene in Soil Tube Kit 土壤中毒杀酚测试管

Beacon Analytical Systems, Inc. is a Maine corporation located in Saco, ME

Beacon currently occupies 8,000 sq. ft. of combined laboratory and office space in the coastal town of Saco. The facility houses both research and development and manufacturing operations. All manufacturing operations are conducted in compliance with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) regulations.

Beacon focuses on the development and manufacture of immunodiagnostic kits for environmental and food/feed testing markets. We have developed a number of test kits in each of these areas as well as provided contract method development and manufacturing for companies requiring custom methods specific to their testing needs.


Beacon Analytical Systems, Inc. develops, manufactures and markets innovative testing products and services to the environmental and food/feed quality testing markets.

Beacon offers a wide range of immunological (antibody-based) analytical testing kits and devices that
can provide rapid and cost effective solutions to your analytical needs. Beacon kits are available in four different formats to address your specific testing requirements:

Microtiter plate ELISAs - for high throughput quantitative testing; compatible with a wide range of microtiter plate photometers, plate washers and multichannel pipettes.
Tube ELISAs - for lower throughput qualitative or quantitative testing, compatible with tube photometers or for visual interpretation of qualitative results.
Immunoaffinity Columns - for clean-up and/or concentration of analytes prior to analysis by fluorometry, chormatography or ELISA analysis
Immunochromatographic Devices - simplest to use for qualitative testing; no equipment required.
Beacon also offers contract assay development and manufacturing services to customers seeking analytical methods tailored to specific requirements.

Contact us to receive further information on how we can help with your specific testing needs.