新西兰Otago Osmometers Ltd (OOL) www.otago-osmometers.com
Otago Osmometers Ltd (OOL)是新西兰拥有先进生物技术,专门从事设计并生产高端实验室设备的制造商。该纳升渗透压仪是为专门了取代以前的克利夫顿(Clifton) 模式而研制的,是测量极区鱼类和耐寒昆虫体内抗冻蛋白热滞活性的理想仪器 (这种特异性抗冻蛋白能与冰晶结合,阻止体液内冰核形成与生长使得体液维持非冰冻状态)。纳升渗透压仪与该公司的光学重结晶仪(optical recystallometer) 一起使用,对研究增强各种生物体冷适应性具有无限的利用价值。
Otago Osmometers design and manufacture nanolitre osmometers, microscope cold-stages and optical recrystallometers. Dialogue with several scientists and research institutions around the globe provided us with a set of common, desirable specifications for our range of equipment.
Our apparatus demonstrate a marked improvement on those that were previously available, especially in the case of our nanolitre osmometer, designed to supersede the Clifton model. Every item is built to order and takes approximately four weeks from order with payment to delivery. New developments are an integral part of our business. See the Products pages for further details on all of these devices.
Our devices are currently in operation at several institutions around the world, and we have a close working relationship with the cryobiology group working in the laboratory of Associate Professor Hans Ramlov at Roskilde University Centre in Denmark. All of our instruments are tested there and are in operation there by scientists doing day to day measurements of:
melting points
thermal hystersis levels
recrystallisation levels
supercooling points