
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . Kocour

美国Kocour www.kocour.net
  美国 KOCOUR 公司 公司自1923开始做电镀方面器材,是电镀工业控制仪器的先锋领跑者,库仑镀层测厚仪KOCOUR6000,应用库仑电量分析原理。
  例如铁上镊、铁上锌、铜上银、环氧树脂上的铜等。 可以对微小面积的的镀层进行测试。对于导线等被测材料有相应的测量方法解决。可将导线缠绕成圈状放入相应配件内测量。KOCOUR 6000的库仑测厚仪可以通过定位于电位-时间表中相关部分的双指针来方便的测出镀层的厚度和电位差。
Kocour Company appreciates the opportunity to introduce you to our company. With name recognition that is ranked first in the metal finishing industry, Kocour enjoys a worldwide reputation for high quality products and services. To those of you who are already Kocour customers, thank you. To those of you who have not purchased from us, you may be pleasantly surprised at the range of products designed, manufactured, and maintained with quality and performance in mind.

As we approach our 85th year, Kocour Company remains an independent manufacturer with the confidence of success through generations of single-family management.

We at Kocour Company want to reaffirm our goal of providing quality products and service to our customers with a personal touch.