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美国 . Solar Metrology
Solar Metrology

美国Solar Metrology www.solarmetrology.com
Solar Metrology太阳能产业的第一台测厚仪system SMX系统,采用XRF原理解决太阳能发电和太阳能再生能源产业所面临的镀层测量问题
Solar Metrology was created to address the metrology needs of the rapidly growing Solar PV electric industry. Our team of scientists, engineers, applications specialists and support personnel is the most experienced in the XRF thin film measurement industry, with an over 20-year track record of technical innovation and dedicated customer service.

Our Business Philosophy

At Solar Metrology, our business philosophy is straightforward:
We consistently outperform our competition by providing the most creative, comprehensive and cost-effective solutions to our customer's needs.

Solar Metrology is committed to your success. We develop strong collaborative relationships with our customers to provide them with the best solutions to their demanding and often unique measurement needs.

Solar Metrology has the most experienced systems, applications and field support team in the XRF metrology industry. And we know from experience that the very best ideas come from our customers. If you have a challenge in search of a solution, we want to hear from you.

Quality assurance is crucial to any manufacturer. At Solar Metrology, we combine technologically superior products with dedicated after-sale support to insure unsurpassed quality throughout every step of our business processes while delivering maximum return-on-investment for our customers.