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德国 . MAICO
Medical Acoustic Instrument

德国医用声学设备公司(Medical Acoustic Instrument Company) www.maico-diagnostic.com.cn www.maico-diagnostics.com
医用声学设备公司(Medical Acoustic Instrument Company),后简称为MAICO公司1937年成立于美国的Minneapolis。1991年该公司与位于柏林的Robert Bosch听力计公司(Audiometer of Robert Bosch GmbH/Berlin)合作成为了一家全球运作的公司。一家传统而创新的公司就此诞生。


For more than seven decades MAICO has been an innovator in audiological instruments, developing, producing and distributing reliable products ranging from hearing screening to diagnostic solutions.

MAICO has grown over the years to fulfill the specialized needs of the growing field of audiology. From screening audiometers for school nurses and General Practitioners to complex diagnostic instruments for in-depth examination, MAICO provides novel and efficient tools for hearing professionals.

The future of MAICO is to continue our commitment to providing state-of-the-art technology; fast, reliable service; usability and customer support.

 The Medical Acoustic Instrument Company (later shortened to MAICO) was founded in 1937 in Minneapolis, USA.

MAICO designed and produced the first hearing test instrument with a “zero reference level”, coining the term “audiometer”. For the first time it was possible to accurately measure hearing loss.

In 1991 the company merged with the audiometer division of Robert Bosch GmbH/Berlin to support international operations. A traditional and innovative company had emerged.

Since 1995, MAICO has been part of William Demant Holding.