
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

意大利 . Motorscan

意大利Motorscan www.motorscan.com
意大利MOTORSCAN S.P.A公司是一家真正充满活力的工业企业,创立于1991年,总部设在帕尔玛。成立以来一直致力于高科技汽车尾气分析仪及汽车检测诊断设备的生产,产品多年来一直通过欧洲环保标准检测,该公司生产的汽车尾气分析仪适用于长时间连续分析测量各类汽油、柴油、液化气、天然气等燃料发动机的尾气排放,符合欧Ⅲ/欧Ⅳ标准、OIML R99 Class 0 科研级标准以及中国国标GB18285-2005标准。公司于96年通过ISO9001:2000论证。销售网络遍布欧共体成员国及世界上其它国家及地区。

Motorscan S.p.A. is a dynamic industrial reality in Parma.Founded in 1991, it has always worked in the field of projecting, production and sales of products for vehicle pollution control and for diagnosis in garages, achieving during these years targets of great prestige such as for example certifications of its produts in compliance with the most restrictive European normatives.

The dominating characteristic of Motorscan is to propose to the market instruments that, for their technological content and for their easy-use becomes a reality which is evolving and keeping up with the times.

Research, project and production are realised in the company following concept of quality and efficiency thanks also to ISO 9001 quality certification obtained in August 1996, conformed in year 2002 to the new regulation UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 (vision 2000). Moreover, in 2004, the company obtained the certification for the environmental management system ISO 14001 and the certification for the business management system OHSAS 18001.

The prestigious company occupies about 9000 square meters from which 4500 are covered.