比利时Euresys www.euresys.com
Euresys成立于1989年比利时。 通关全体员工的多年共同努力和奋斗,现已发展为国际上领先的图像处理软件及机器视觉硬件产品的著名制造商。
Euresys一直把焦点放在为客户开发高附加值的机器视觉产品上。 在产品设计和管理上具有超前意识,这使得我们在前10年里取得了每年20%以上的强劲增长。在最近4年里, 为了更好地为客户提供技术服务,我们也在全球新增了3个公司代表处和分公司。公司的员工也扩充到了60多人。
Euresys设计和生产用于工业图像采集,存储,处理和显示相关的板卡和设备, 以及提供用于图像处理和分析的软件包和系统集成工具。本公司的产品都采用了最先进的微电子技术及图像处理理论的最新成果, 使本公司产品始终处于同行的领先地位。
Founded in 1989, Euresys is a privately owned company. Euresys is continuously expanding and has now become an important force in today's machine vision and image processing industry.
A Growing Company
Euresys focuses on the creation of high added-value products and applies a proactive management approach towards future market developments. These strengths have enabled us to realize an average turnover growth of 20.5% p.a. over the last ten years, despite the recent downturn in technology sectors. Thanks to this excellent performance, Euresys was able to increase its presence on the market and open offices in three new locations overseas within the past four years. Euresys also remains a very active recruiter of new talent, as shown by its total staff now increased to a level of 60.
Core Technology
We design, manufacture and provide equipment used for image acquisition, storage, processing and display, as well as software dedicated to image processing and analysis. Our hardware and software products are based on the latest microelectronics technology.
Corporate Culture
Euresys is a customer-oriented company using creativity and high technologies to meet the customers' needs.
For fifteen years, Euresys has been following the same philosophy: flexibility, anticipation and a high degree of responsiveness to market impulses and technology evolutions.
Euresys has established a presence all around the world with subsidiaries in Itasca, IL (Euresys Inc.) and in Singapore (Euresys Pte Ltd) and, of course, our headquarters in Europe.