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美国 . QPC Lasers
QPC Lasers

美国QPC Lasers www.qpclasers.com
美国QPC公司是集研发与制造新一代超高亮度、高功率半导体激光器的业界领先者,发明创新的BrightLase TM 技术、Internal Gratings内刻蚀光栅技术以及单模单频技术都赢得业界的赞誉和尊重,满足并将推动新一代应用场合对高亮度半导体激光器的需求。QPC Lasers 创立于2000年,在美国的洛杉矶建立了一个最先进的高科技研发和生产基地,实现了从芯片生长到封装测试到精密的装配生产一体化。产品已运用于工业,医疗,国防等领域。QPC Lasers是一家已获得ISO质量体系认证的上市公司。


· 光纤耦合半导体模块

· 单纵模的单管激光器

· 阵列半导体激光器
美国QPC Lasers

脉动科技有限公司 PulsePower

QPC Lasers (QPC) is a world leader in the design and manufacture of high power semiconductor lasers serving the Consumer, Defense, Industrial, and Medical markets.

QPC has developed patented and proprietary high brightness chip-based laser technology that has potential to reduce the size, cost, and weight of lasers by as much as 10X while significantly improving their energy efficiency and portability.

QPC’s lasers are being used globally in development of next generation laser based HD-TV, cancer treatment, and laser weapons. QPC believes its technology will permit it to capture significant market share in these multi-billion dollar addressable markets in the coming years.