
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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Delong Instruments

捷克Delong Instruments www.dicomps.com
捷克DELONG INSTRUMENTS 前身是捷克国家科学院下属机构,以精密加工技术、真空技术、电子发射枪技术及电子探测技术等电镜技术著称,其业务集中于生产大型科学仪器及其配件,主要业务之一就是为PHILIPS、LEO、FEI 等大型电镜商生产OEM 电镜,涵盖真空系统、高压发生器、电子枪、电子探测、控制线路等等整套电镜系统。因此捷克DELONG INSTRUMENTS 在电镜制造技术上是世界领先的。

桌上型低压透射电镜(LVEM5)是捷克DELONG INSTRUMENTS 在2000 年前后为开拓自己的电子显微镜市场而研发的,在5KV 低压/小型化下实现超高的性能/多样应用,是集中其各方面电镜领先技术而设计出来的。


DELONG INSTRUMENTS is a company engaged mainly in electron and X-ray microscopy and vacuum technology.
DELONG INSTRUMENTS activity covers research, development, manufacturing, assembling and testing of various physical instruments including control electronics and software.
DELONG INSTRUMENTS offers its own products, but mainly serves as a contract developer of unique custom made devices.
DELONG INSTRUMENTS collaborates with world famous companies and has a long-term experience with joint projects.


Development and manufacturing activities

Design and Engineering Services,
Electron Optics and X-ray Instruments,
Vacuum Chambers and Components,
ION Pumps and Power Supplies,
Motion Systems,
Medical Instruments,
Control Systems for Flying Vehicles.