
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . Ahura
Ahura Scientific

美国Ahura Scientific  www.ahurascientific.com
Ahura Scientific, Inc.是新型微型分析仪器的领先供应商。公司生产的便携式仪器结实耐用,用于对化学物质进行实时鉴定。公司客户群涵盖政府机构和安保、制药及消费品市场领域的企业。公司的产品产自美国一家通过ISO 9001认证的工厂,可提供极好的可移动性和突出的性能。
2010年Thermo Fisher Scientific收购Ahura Scientific.

美国Ahura Scientific  美国赛默飞世尔科技 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Headquartered in Wilmington, Massachusetts, Ahura Scientific is a rapidly growing manufacturer of handheld optical systems for chemical identification. Since 2002, Ahura Scientific has designed, developed and successfully launched products unlike any in the marketplace, putting the power, reliability and accuracy of expensive, lab-based instruments in portable, rugged, easy-to-operate systems designed for field use. With customers in the homeland security, public safety, pharmaceutical, industrial and medical markets, Ahura Scientific's products—FirstDefender, TruDefender FT and TruScan—are widely-deployed across the globe.
At Ahura Scientific, innovation is the big idea behind surprisingly microscopic results. With breakthrough research and state-of-the-art development, we create the smallest, most accurate technologies for handheld chemical identification, verification, and screening. Combining miniature optics and electronics, sophisticated software and an incredibly easy-to-use interface, Ahura Scientific's handheld chemical identification products provide the results you need, where and when you need them. From the battlefield to the border, loading dock to lab—Ahura Scientific delivers.