
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

德国 . PTL

PTL   www.ptl-test.de
PTL is a continuation of an electrical workshop founded in 1946 in Bamberg by Master Engineer Georg Müller under the name PHYS.-TECHN. LABOR. In the course of time, test equipment took a dominating role in the manufacturing programme.
In 1965, the domicile was transferred to Stadtsteinach. The company was taken over by Dr.-Ing. Dieter Grabenhorst in 1974 after the death of the founder. Since the 1st of January 1984, the registered name is PTL Dr. Grabenhorst GmbH. In 1986 the buildings were acquired and enlarged, where PTL is accommodated today.
The following years stood out for continuous expanding on the areas quality assurance, product and production improvement and international partnerships.

Aim and Purpose of PTL Test Equipment 
By means of PTL test equipment proof can be furnished, that products and prefabricated items meet the required standards concerning safety, suitability and reliability. Therefore, quality- and testing laboratories would be unthinkable without our testing equipment.
Constantly rising prices effect that the following question gains more and more emphasis:
How can technical security and qualitative standards be maintained, even if materials and working hours are economized?
The PTL test equipment is at your disposal for the objective answering of this question.
Since we are addressing ourselves to specialists, we have in our product information maintained the sober language of the technicians, free from customary superlatives.
PTL product information are available as printed prospectuses, combined to a complete catalogue, too, and partly as HTML files.
There is an individual information on every product or product family. At the head of the information is stated for which test objects and test criteria the respective PTL test equipment is suitable. In the following there is pointed at the relevant regulations. In the main part, the standard outfit and the design are defined in detail.
For a lot of standards we can make product schedules available. These schedules give a survey concerning the tests pointed out in the respective standard, which can be performed by means of the PTL test equipment.
Among our customers are e. g. testing institutes for electrical safety and accident research, for industrial supervision, Technical Control Boards as well as the electrical industry and the plastics industry. PTL has customers in almost all regions in the world.