德国Sensolytics GmbH www.sensolytics.de
Sensolytics SECM来自德国波鸿鲁尔大学,公司的创立者具有多年扫描电化学仪器的开发和应用经验。模块式设计和利用剪切力(Shearforce)和纳米电极进行恒距离扫描,为此仪器最为独特的创新。
Since 2004, Sensolytics GmbH produces electroanalytic instrumentation for researchers. Our first product line of Sequential Injection Analysis Systems (OLGA) was already in the first year accompanied by our development of highly modular Scanning Electrochemical Microscopes (SECM). With the first commercialized Shearforce Distance Control new standards have been established.