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英国 . Micro Materials
Micro Materials

英国Micro Materials www.micromaterials.co.uk www.millbrook-instruments.com
英国Micro Materials成立于1988年.采用英国Micro Materials公司生产的Nano Test 600型纳米多功能测试仪,对电热爆炸喷涂方法制备的FeAl、FeCrAl、FeCrAlRE 3种电爆喷涂层,进行力学性能测试,通过3种涂层加卸载曲线的对比,以及每种涂层的硬度、弹性模量的测取,分析铁基3种电爆喷涂层的力学性能及涂层表面规律,从而优化电爆喷涂工艺参数.
英国Micro Materials

北京正通远恒科技有限公司 HONOPROF

Micro Materials Ltd are based in Wrexham, UK, which is located approximately one hour from the cities of Manchester and Liverpool.

We provide innovative, versatile nanomechanical test instrumentation, and respond to developments in applications in response to customer and market requirements. The integrity, reliability and accuracy of our equipment is paramount, as is our relationship with our users.


MML was established in 1988, with the aim of becoming the world leader in the development, manufacture and marketing of nanomechanical testing instruments for research and quality assurance.

The modern day NanoTestTM is a highly evolved system, which employs a unique pendulum system which is based on a prototype which was first developed at the University of Lancaster, UK.

Research and Development programs over the lifetime of the company have seen the NanoTestTM evolve into the current, fully-automated, highly versatile instrument it is today.

At Micro Materials, our highly specialised scientists and engineers take particular pride in their ability to solve complex problems related to specific customer needs and applications.

This responsive and flexible approach has earned us an enviable reputation for strong customer relations and for products designed to satisfy our customers' requirements.

Our pioneering approach has led to three recent world-firsts:

The first commercial nanoscale impact tester, for erosive wear, toughness and contact fatigue.
The first commercial high temperature nanoindentation stage, capable of reaching temperatures up to 750°C
The first liquid cell, allowing the testing of samples which are fully immersed in a fluid
User Profiles
Today, the NanoTestTM System is used throughout the world for quantitative nano-scale materials characterisation. Click here for a selection of our partner sites.