
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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芬兰Stresstech Oy 应力技术 www.stresstech.fi
Stresstech Oy创建于1983年,总部设在芬兰,是专业生产便携式X射线应力分析仪和巴克豪森法(磁弹法)磨削烧伤检查仪的生产厂。在美国和德国设有工厂,在全球设有代理机构。主要应用在航天、航空、核工业、石油、科研机构、大学等。
Stresstech Oy致力于放眼全球,做技术的引路人。目标是站的更高,望的更远。
Stresstech Group has since 1983 from the foundation of American Stress Technologies, Inc. served metal industry all over the world with solutions and high-tech instruments for non-destructive testing of the quality of components. Many leading edge companies in automobile and aircraft industry have already chosen Stresstech Group as their partner in quality control.

Stresstech Group´s main products are Barkhausen Noise analyzers, sensors and custom inspection stands, X-ray Diffraction analyzers and inspection stands, and residual stress testing instrument based on hole-drilling. Several different applications use Barkhausen Noise to study magnetic properties and thus the presence or absence of material defects and residual stress levels in various components like gears, bearings, camshafts, crankshafts, universal joints, piston pins, etc. X-ray analyzers use X-ray diffraction to measure residual stresses and retained austenite contents. The Prism system is based on hole-drilling technique for measuring residual stresses. Stresstech Group provides also custom inspection stands for shop floor quality control.

Stresstech Oy (1984) in Finland, American Stress Technologies, Inc. (AST)(1983) in USA and Stresstech GmbH (1999) in Germany form the Stresstech Group. Being in close contact with each other and with over 20 years of experience of quality control, the Group can quickly respond to market demands and individual requests of customers.

With our world wide representative network Stresstech Group can serve and support customers easily all over the world and in many languages.

Stresstech Oy in Vaajakoski, Finland has been found to conform to the Quality System Standard SFS-EN ISO 9001 ed. 2000 by Det Norske Veritas. The certificate is valid for

Manufacturing of NDT Equipment and NDT measurement Services.
The certificate was first granted in Helsinki on August 28, 2001, was audited and reissued on May 21, 2007, and is valid until May 31, 2010.

ISO 9001 Certificate

ISO 9001 Certificate in Russian