
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

日本 . DIC
Dainippon Ink & Chemicals

日本DIC www.dic.co.jp
DIC集团(DIC Corporation DIC株式会社)始创于1908年。是一家大型的国际集团,产业涉及油墨、有机染料、合成树脂、石油化工、药物合成、生物工程等诸多领域。在全世界60多个国家或地区,拥有近213家独资或合资机构。其中在中国境内有38家企业(2007年底止)。目前DIC集团的年营业额达92亿美元(2007会计年)。

2008年2月,原名DAINIPPON INK & CHEMICALS,INC的大日本油墨化学工业株式会社,在建社100周年之际,正式更名为DIC集团(DIC株式会社DIC Corporation)。


Established in 1908 as a printing inks manufacturing and sales company, DIC has evolved into a leading manufacturer of fine chemicals with operations that also include organic pigments, synthetic resins, high-performance products, and electronics and information materials.Early to establish operations overseas, DIC has also grown into a multinational corporate group comprising approximately 210 companies in about 60 countries.Looking ahead, DIC will continue to leverage its chemical technologies to develop new materials and ideas that contribute to efforts to address the increasingly diverse demands of modern society.