美国3M www.3m.com
全称明尼苏达矿务及制造业公司(Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Corporation),于一九O二年在美国明尼苏达州成立,是一家历史悠久的多元化跨国企业,素以产品种类繁多,锐意创新而著称于世。成立至今,它开发生产的优质产品多达5万种,服务于通信、交通、工业、汽车、航天、航空、电子、电气、医疗、建筑、文教办公及日用消费等诸多领域。3M公司为道·琼斯30种工业股之一,1997年被《财富》杂志评为全球最著名的19家企业之一。
3M公司在全球65个国家和地区设有子公司, 产品在200多个国家和地区销售,年营业额约245亿美元。作为世界500强的企业之一,3M公司在2003年被《商业周刊》评为全球最佳表现50强之一,在2005年被评为全球最具创新精神的20 家公司之一,并连续两年入选《财富》杂志“最受赞赏的在华企业”之一。
海外销售额:154亿美元 (占总额63%)
3M 在中国
目前3M公司在中国建立了十二家公司、八个生产基地、二十二个办事处、三个技术中心, 和一个研发中心,员工超过5,000人
地址: 3M中国有限公司
我们的工作时间 星期一 - 星期五 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
邮政编码: 200336
联系电话: 86-21-62753535
800 988 0135
800 988 1666
800 820 3312
800 988 0355
上海 |
上海市虹桥开发区兴义路8号万都中心38楼 |
8 Xing Yi Road,Maxdo Center,38F Shanghai China |
(021)62753535 |
(021)62752343 |
200336 |
北京 |
北京市朝阳区光华路7号汉威大厦东区20层 |
East 20/F Hanwei Plaza No.7 Guanghua Road,Beijing |
(010)65613336 |
(010)65610188 |
100004 |
长春 |
长春市亚泰大街3218号通钢国际大厦A座23楼 |
23F Tisco International Mansion No3218 Yatai Street, Changchun |
(0431)85862772 |
(0431)85862778 |
130022 |
长沙 |
湖南省长沙市芙蓉中路一段478号运达国际广场写字楼30D单元 |
30th floor D unit, Office Tower, Yunda International Plaza, 478 Furong RoadSection 1, Changsha, Hunan, China |
(0731)88861800 |
(731)88862800 |
410005 |
成都 |
成都市人民南路二段一号仁恒置地广场36楼3601单元 |
36F, Yanlord Square Section 2, Renmin South Road, Chengdu, China |
(028)86587733 |
(028)86587722 |
610016 |
重庆 |
重庆市渝中区邹容路68号大都会商厦25楼01+07-12 |
Room 01+07-12,25F Metropolitan Plaza No.68, Zou Rong Road |
(023)63808100 |
(023)63808200 |
400010 |
大连 |
大连市中山区中山路136号希望大厦1002室 |
Room 1002,Xiwang Building, No.136 zhongshanRoad ,Zhongshan District,PR,China |
(0411)82648588 |
(0411)82648599 |
116001 |
福州 |
福州市五四路89号置地广场22楼02A区 |
02A,22F,Landmark Plaza 89#WuSi Road FuZhou China |
(0591)87278335 |
(0591)87278336 |
350001 |
广州 |
广州市天河路228号之一广晟大厦25楼 |
25/F, Grand Tower, 1/228, Tianhe Road.Guangzhou, 510620, P.R.China |
(020)38331238 |
(020)38331234 |
510620 |
杭州 |
杭州市求是路8号公元大厦 1003室 |
Room 1003,Northern Building,Anno Domini,8 Qiushi Rd. Hangzhou,China |
(0571)87858435 |
(0571)87858333 |
310013 |
济南 |
济南市泺源大街150号中信广场1116室 |
Room 1116, Citic Plaza, No.150 Luoyuan Avenue,Jinan |
(0531)86922628 |
(0531)85181115 |
250011 |
昆明 |
昆明市北京路155号红塔大厦304室 |
Room304,HongTa Building No.155 Beijing Road, Kunming |
(0871)3558068 |
(0871)3558066 |
650011 |
南京 |
南京市洪武北路55号置地广场1511室 |
Room1511,15F,Zhi Di Plaza,55 Hong Wu North Road,Nanjing |
(025)84723205 |
(025)84728786 |
210005 |
宁波 |
宁波市彩虹北路48号波特曼大厦1705-1707 |
48 Caihong Road,Portman Center,Ningbo |
(0574)87333535 |
(0574)87955187 |
315040 |
青岛 |
青岛市香港中路12号丰合广场B座202室 |
Room B202,Feng He Plaza No.12, Hong Kong Central Road Qingdao 266071P.R.China |
(0532)85028845 |
(0532)85027848 |
266071 |
沈阳 |
沈阳市和平区南京北街206号沈阳城市广场3-903室 |
Shenyang Branch Office 3-903,shenyang city plaza No.206Nanjing NorthStreet,ShenYang, China |
(024)23341158 |
(024)23341859 |
110001 |
深圳 |
深圳市深南东路4003号世界金融中心A座14楼 |
Floor 14th,Tower A,World Finance Centre,4003 Shennan Dong Road,Shenzhen |
(0755)82461336 |
(0755)25980763 |
518001 |
苏州 |
苏州市苏州工业园区钟园路235号 |
235 Zhongyuan Road ,Suzhou Industrial Park,China |
(0512)67620035 |
(0512)67620135 |
215021 |
天津 |
天津市\空港经济区空港商务园西区W7 5层 501室 |
Room 501, 5/F, No,7 Western Area ,TAEA Business Park,TianJin |
(022)58676635 |
(022)58676630 |
300308 |
乌鲁木齐 |
乌鲁木齐市中山路339号中泉广场14座B座 |
Room 14B, Fountain Plaza 333, Zhong Shan Road |
(0991)2363535 |
(0991)2334335 |
830002 |
武汉 |
武汉市建设大道568号新世界国贸大厦2502室 |
Room 2502, New World International,Trade Centre, Jianshen Avenue 568# |
(027)68850606 |
(027)68850496 |
430022 |
无锡 |
无锡市中山路359号东方广场写字楼21楼 |
21 floor Eastern Plaza,359 Zhongshan Road , Wuxi |
(0510)82720135 |
(510)82716235 |
214001 |
厦门 |
厦门市鹭江道8号厦门国际银行大厦10层B室 |
Room B,10F,International Bank Plaza, 8 LuJiang Road, Xiamen |
(0592)2101235 |
(0592)2101250 |
361001 |
西安 |
西安经济技术开发区凤城八路西北国金中心8号楼九层903室 |
Room 903,9/F, Building 8,NIFC, Fengcheng 8th Road, Xi’an |
(029)83669535 |
(029)83669530 |
710018 |
郑州 |
郑州市中原中路220号裕达国际贸易中心A座22层2205室 |
Rm 2205, 22 floor, Yuda Palace,No. 220 Zhongyuan Road,Zhengzhou |
(0371)67939335 |
(0371)67930388 |
450007 |
合肥 |
合肥市濉溪路287号财富广场三期C座2303-2304 |
23F Block C Fortune Plaza, No287 Sui Xi Road, Hefei |
(0551)5773650 |
(0551)5773640 |
230041 |
太原 |
太原市府西街69号国贸中心西塔1508室 |
Room 1508,Shanxi Word Trade CenterB,No.69 Fuxi Street |
(0351)8687535 |
(0351)8687686 |
030002 |
Our Values
Act with uncompromising honesty and integrity in everything we do.
Satisfy our customers with innovative technology and superior quality, value and service.
Provide our investors an attractive return through sustainable, global growth.
Respect our social and physical environment around the world.
Value and develop our employees' diverse talents, initiative and leadership.
Earn the admiration of all those associated with 3M worldwide.
3M at a Glance (Year-end 2009)
Global sales: $23 billion.
International (non-US) sales: $14.6 billion (63 per cent of company's total).
Operations in more than 65 countries.
3M products sold in nearly 200 countries.
75,000 employees globally.
At a Glance
3M was founded in 1902 in the Lake Superior town of Two Harbors, Minn. Five businessmen set out to mine a mineral deposit for grinding-wheel abrasives. But the deposits proved to be of little value, and the new Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. quickly moved to nearby Duluth in 1905 to focus on sandpaper products.
Years of struggle ensued until the company could master quality production and supply chain. New investors were attracted to 3M, such as Lucius Ordway, who moved the company to St. Paul in 1910. Early technical and marketing innovations began to produce successes and, in 1916, the company paid its first dividend of 6 cents a share.
The world's first waterproof sandpaper, which reduced airborne dusts during automotive manufacturing, was developed in the early 1920s.
A second major milestone occurred in 1925 when Richard G. Drew, a young lab assistant, invented masking tape - an innovative step toward diversification and the first of many Scotch brand pressure-sensitive tapes.
In the following years technical progress resulted in Scotch® Cellophane Tape for box sealing and soon hundreds of practical uses were discovered.
In the early 1940s, 3M was diverted into defense materials for World War II, which was followed by new ventures, such as Scotchlite™ Reflective Sheeting for highway markings, magnetic sound recording tape, filament adhesive tape, and the start of 3M's involvement in the graphic arts with offset printing plates.
In the 1950s, 3M introduced the Thermo-Fax™ copying process, Scotchgard™ Fabric Protector, videotape, Scotch-Brite® Cleaning Pads and several new electro-mechanical products.
Dry-silver microfilm was introduced in the 1960s, along with photographic products, carbonless papers, overhead projection systems and a rapidly growing health care business of medical and dental products.
Markets further expanded in the 1970s and 1980s into pharmaceuticals, radiology and energy control.
In 1980, 3M introduced Post-it® Notes, which created a whole new category in the marketplace and changed people's communication and organization behavior forever.
In the 1990s sales reached the $15 billion mark. 3M continued to develop an array of innovative products, including immune response modifier pharmaceuticals; brightness enhancement films for electronic displays; and flexible circuits used in inkjet printers, cell phones and other electronic devices.
In 2004, sales topped $20 billion for the first time, with innovative new products contributing significantly to growth. Recent innovations include Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, Scotch® Transparent Duct Tape, optical films for LCD televisions, and a new family of Scotch-Brite® cleaning products that give consumers the right scrubbing power for a host of cleaning jobs.