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英国 . Allen Vanguard
Allen Vanguard

英国Allen Vanguard  www.allenvanguard.com
艾伦先锋™是全球领先的开发和提供设备,服务和培训,以防止危险的威胁,包括简易爆炸装置(简易) ,无线电控制的简易爆炸装置( RCIEDs ) ,化学,生物,放射性,核威胁,并影响热的军事人员和作战车辆电子产品。其产品和服务是值得信赖的优秀军队和警察部队,在全球120多个国家。


艾伦先锋™为客户提供业界领先的设备,如电子对策(流脑)的平台,以防止爆炸RCIEDs ,该医学工程炸弹西装,在后卫和前卫®炸弹处理机器人系统, CASCAD ™爆炸抑制和清除泡沫,以及车辆的生存系统,包括定制的冷却系统和防爆保护席位。

Med-Eng Systems公司生产专用于清理爆炸物和布雷区所使用的头盔、防爆服、软盔甲和通信设备,产品已被60多个国家的警察和国防部门所采用。
Allen Vanguard™ is a global leader in developing and providing equipment, services and training to protect against hazardous threats, including Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Radio Controlled IEDs (RCIEDs), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear threats, and the effects of heat on military personnel and combat vehicle electronics. Its products and services are trusted by elite military and police forces in over 120 countries worldwide.

The company operates in close collaboration with end users and program managers to develop and field solutions for sustainable capability against these evolving threats. Its product development efforts are founded on aggressive research engineering programs, and the deep front line experience of its industry-specific experts. This team includes world-leading subject matter experts, trainers and decorated practitioners in Counter-IED and many related fields. Their experience has been earned from many years of front line operations in combat theaters involving thousands of hazardous devices and a deep understanding of threats and tactics.

The company’s research and analysis, engineering and technical staff include experts in blast mitigation, Radio Frequency exploitation, robotics, chemical-biological agents and decontaminants, and thermal management as well as other disciplines such as materials and human physiology. These are further supported by the company’s rapid prototyping capabilities in support of continuous product development programs.

Allen Vanguard™ provides its customers with industry leading equipment such as its Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) platforms to prevent the detonation of RCIEDs, the Med-Eng bomb suit, the Defender and Vanguard® bomb disposal robot systems, CASCAD™ blast suppression and decontamination foam, and vehicle survivability systems comprising customized cooling systems and blast protection seats.

The company has Sales and Manufacturing facilities in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, with staff and facilities cleared for classified programs.