
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

比利时 . Innogenetics

比利时Innogenetics www.innogenetics.com www.solvay.com
Innogenetics为比利时分子诊断公司 INNOGENETICS 专心致力于研究 Infectious Diseases, Genetic Testing, Transplantation, Neurodegeneration and Oncology 等领域范围的 diagnostic marker, 主力产品为 : HIV I/II score, HTLV I/II score, HBV DR v2, HBV genotyping, HBV PreCore, HPV Genotyping, HIV Antigen mAb, Mycobacteria 等等肝炎之侦测 .
2010年Fujirebio 完成收购比利时Innogenetics

比利时Innogenetics  瑞典富吉瑞必欧Fujirebio Diagnostics 
INNOGENETICS NV is an international biotechnology company that develops and markets diagnostic assays in the fields of Infectious Diseases, Genetic Testing, Transplantation, Neurodegeneration, and Oncology, with a special focus on molecular diagnostics and multiparameter testing.

Innogenetics is a Solvay Pharmaceuticals company. Solvay Pharmaceuticals is the global pharmaceuticals sector of the Solvay Group.