法国HORIBA Jobin Yvon www.horiba.com
成立于1819年,Jobin Yvon公司的总部设在高科技发达的法国首都――巴黎。在近二百年的发展中,Jobin Yvon公司始终遵循着创建以来的一贯宗旨――高品质,使公司一直处于世界光栅及光谱仪生产的领先地位,并不断的创造着世界第一:
2006年 美国宇航局(NASA)喷射推进实验室颁发“运行碳观测器(OCO)衍射光栅杰出贡献奖”
自从1988年合并了美国SPEX公司和1995年合并了法国Dilor,Sofie等公司后,Jobin Yvon公司于1997年加入了世界第六大仪器制造集团――Horiba公司,完成了公司强强联手。如今Jobin Yvon在法国、美国、日本、英国、意大利、荷兰设有生产厂家,其分支机构遍布全球。现在Jobin Yvon公司除了提供各种类型的衍射光栅和离子刻蚀全息光栅外,还提供各种类型的光谱仪产品,如:激光拉曼光谱仪(Raman),荧光(寿命)光谱仪(FL),直读火花光谱仪(SPARK),电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪(ICP),辉光放电光谱仪(GDS),椭圆偏振光谱仪(Ellipsometry),特殊搭建系统(System)及各种光学光谱器件(成像光谱仪,光源,IR检测器,CCD检测器等)。 目前,HORIBA Jobin Yvon公司设立了薄膜部、拉曼(光谱仪)部、发射(光谱仪)部、荧光(光谱仪)部、法医部、光学仪器部、光栅&OEM仪器部等7个部门。旨在为您提供强大的技术支持与科研保障!
Introducing HORIBA Scientific – the new global team created to focus on better meeting customers’ present and future needs by integrating the scientific market expertise and resources of the HORIBA Group of companies. HORIBA Scientific offerings encompass elemental analysis, fluorescence, Forensics, ICP, particle characterization, Raman, spectral ellipsometry, sulfur-in-oil, water quality, and XRF. Prominent absorbed brands include Jobin Yvon, IBH, SPEX, Instruments S.A, ISA, Dilor, Sofie, SLM, and Beta Scientific. Combining the strengths of the research, development, applications, sales, service and support organizations of its constituent companies, HORIBA Scientific is able to supply researchers with the best products and solutions, and build on our reputation for superior service and support with a truly global network. HORIBA Scientific has offices in 22 countries and maintains an extended network of experienced distributors covering all others. World-wide manufacturing sites and multiple sales, service, and applications offices mean improved local support in all markets.
HORIBA is a global, world-leading manufacturer of measurement and analytical devices, supplying a vast array of sophisticated products into key markets including: automotive, biotechnology, environmental and utilities, medical, semiconductor, metallurgy, energy, pharmaceutical, and food science. Our products play an integral part in cutting edge research and development which is helping to raise the quality of life around the world. HORIBA comprises forty-three companies and nearly 5000 employees. HORIBA Scientific is a world leader in the manufacture of research and analytical instruments using optical and X-Ray technologies. Inspired by our unique motto,"JOY and FUN", we focus on social responsibilities by building state-of-the-art products for scientific advancement; especially for protecting health, safety, and the environment. We are proud of our long history, dating back to the founding of our oldest company in 1819, of supporting researchers with technically innovative products and market leading service and support. With the creation of HORIBA Scientific, we look forward to a future of continuing to meet the changing product and support needs of our customers.