
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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Sable Systems International

美国Sable Systems International www.sablesys.com
呼吸系统非侵入性测量整个生物的能量通量,是生命科学领域的基础研究工具。Sable System公司的总裁是国际上知名的动物呼吸研究方面的专家,在Science, Nature and PNAS等多家杂志上发表过多篇文献。我们的科研设备被广泛地应用在最好的杂志上,同时也是新陈代谢测量的标准设备。所有Sable Systems公司的呼吸系统都适合大多数的研究应用。同时提供3年保修和终生的技术支持。
Sable Systems International serves science professionals with superb instrumentation and software. Founded in 1987, a stable firm with an international presence but quick on our feet and at-home with the latest technology, we specialize in gas analyzers, respirometry, and the measurement and control of temperature, flow rate and humidity. We deliver results to the academic and industrial research communities at very reasonable prices. Our instrumentation is suitable for the most demanding research applications, is backed by a three-year warranty, and boasts lifetime, expert technical support - values offered by no competitors. Sable Systems was founded by scientists, retains strong links to the research community, and is uniquely responsive to the needs of practicing scientists in academia and industry. We are honest, plain-spoken and determined to see you succeed. We speak, understand and respect your language. We innovate while others imitate. Bookmark our site - it will change your life in beautiful ways.