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德国 . Pfeiffer Vacuum

德国普发真空 Pfeiffer Vacuumwww.pfeiffer-vacuum.cn www.pfeiffer-vacuum.com
在真空里可以产生与太空类似的压力条件,这些压力环境对很多高科技的产品以及日常生活用品的生产是不可或缺的。真空技术在太阳能电池,半导体,DVD, 防热玻璃以及工具涂层,眼镜涂层等方面的应用只是真空技术应用方面的几个例子。在研发,环保科技,分析以及汽车工业等领域真空也扮演着重要的角色。对Pfeiffer Vacuum这个真空发生,测量和分析领域的产品和系统的领先厂商来说,一直不断地会有具有巨大发展潜力的新的应用领域和市场产生。

 德国普发真空 Pfeiffer Vacuum

Pfeiffer Vacuum – a name that stands for innovative solutions, high technology, dependable products and first-class service. For 120 years, we have been setting standards in vacuum technology with these attributes. One very special milestone was the invention of the turbopump at our Company more than 50 years ago. Thanks to our know-how, we continue to be the technology and world market leader in this field. To no small degree, this also manifests itself in our extremely high profitability.

Our extensive line of solutions, products and services ranges from vacuum pumps, measurement and analysis equipment right through to complex vacuum systems. And quality always plays a key role in this connection: Products from Pfeiffer Vacuum are constantly being optimized through close collaboration with customers from a wide variety of industries, through ongoing development work and through the enormous enthusiasm and commitment of our people. These are virtues that we will continue to embrace!

Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG has been publicly traded since 1996. Initially as the first German medium-sized enterprise to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and then on Deutsche Börse beginning in 1998. Investors value the way our shares have appreciated, our ongoing dividend policy as well as management’s value-oriented work. In view of the low trading volume and the high listing cost, the company decided to delist from the NYSE, effective October 4, 2007.