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ACE BioSciences

丹麦ACE BioSciences A/S   www.acebiosciences.com
丹麦ACE BioSciences A/S
At ACE BioSciences, we combine proteomics-led target identification and vaccine focussed target validation to find novel drug targets. By extracting and analyzing the cell surface proteins used by bacterial pathogens to interact with and infect human hosts, we identify functional proteins and subsequently, evaluate them for their vaccine efficacy.

Our lead programs are vaccines against Campylobacter jejuni and Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), the bacteria responsible for the most commonly reported bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide, as well as the major contributors to Travellers’ Diarrhoea.

Products in our pipeline to fight the challenge of Travellers’ Diarrhoea have the potential to be the first vaccine against Campylobacter, the first orally administered vaccine against ETEC, and the first combination vaccine against Campylobacter and ETEC. In addition, ACE BioSciences is working on a vaccine for Streptococcus pneumoniae, the bacterium responsible for pneumococcal disease, which will cover all indications in all age groups globally.

The annual global markets for the Campylobacter vaccine and the ETEC vaccine are estimated to be worth € 700 million and € 900 million respectively. The market for the Pneumococcal vaccine is worth billions of Euros.