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美国 . Boston Scientific

美国 波士顿科学,Boston Scientific,  www.bostonscientific.com
波士顿科学国际有限公司 ( 纽约股市交易代码: BSX) 是在全球专注于微创伤介入治疗领域内最大的医疗器械公司。公司总部设在美国麻省波士顿地区的 Natick 市,分支机构及代表处遍及北美,欧洲及亚洲各地,雇员超过 14000 人。 2002 年根据标准普尔系数的评估显示,波士顿科学国际有限公司被列为“全美第二位业绩最佳的上市公司”。 2003 年被评为北美地区公开上市的 500 家最大公司的第一名。公司拥有 50 大类多达 7500 种产品,其主要产品是用于扩张受阻或狭窄的血管 ( 例如: 扩张用的导管、支架、介入辅助器械 ) 、采样、去除斑块、创伤、囊肿及液体、影像以及其它许多用于诊断及治疗的器械。

波士顿科学国际有限公司的历史可追索至 60 年代后期,当时兼并了一家名为 Medi-tech Inc. 的公司。该公司最初始的产品为可控制导管系列,这个系列的产品在 1969 年已首次运用于微创伤介入治疗领域,时至今日,这些导管仍在市场上销售,并占据主要市场。 1979 年, John Abele 与 Pete Nicholas 组建了波士顿科学公司,在此之后随之进行了一段时期的新产品研发、以市场为导向的销售和市场活动,组织机构不断壮大。 1994 年波士顿科学公司与 Scimed 公司合并成立了当今的波士顿科学国际有限公司 ( Boston Scientific Corporation ) 。

1997 年波士顿科学在中国成立了波科国际医疗贸易 ( 上海 ) 有限公司,目前中国已成为极为重要的市场。 2003 年 4 月,波科国际医疗贸易 ( 上海 ) 有限公司成为行业内第一家直接面对医院销售的公司。



美国波士顿科学Boston Scientific

波科国际医疗贸易 ( 上海 ) 有限公司
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The Company, its people, its future. The About Boston Scientific section of this website provides a general overview of the Company, its 12 businesses and its influence as a pioneer in the less-invasive medical device industry for more than 25 years. Take a moment to explore career opportunities throughout the country and around the world in our Careers section. Get a sense of the unique environment and culture that is Boston Scientific, a community of people who strive to help physicians save lives and improve the quality of life for patients. Explore the Company’s history and its explosive growth and success in the Our History section and about some of our emerging technologies in our Research & Development section. Breaking news, press coverage, financial information, stock quotes and more are a few of the things you can find in our About Boston Scientific section.

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Boston Scientific’s mission is to improve the quality of patient care and the productivity of health care delivery through the development and advocacy of less-invasive medical devices and procedures.
The world’s largest medical device company dedicated to less-invasive medicine
More than 25,000 employees
26 manufacturing, distribution & technology centers
Delivering more than 13,000 products in over 45 countries
Investing nearly $6 billion in new technologies over the past five years
Enrolling tens of thousands of patients in pre- and post-approval clinical studies
Contributing more than $25 million annually to research, education and local communities