
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

西班牙 . IUL,S.A

西班牙IUL,S.A  www.iul-inst.com www.neutecgroup.com
IUL, S.A. 公司成立于1987年。位于西班牙巴塞罗那。公司致力于研发简便快捷,安全有效的微生物前期处理及检测设备。“创新”是IUL,S.A. 公司的核心文化。自从IUL, S.A.公司成立以来,其所设计产品都在传统检测手段的基础上融入了新的专利技术。这些具有独特理念的原创设计解决了许多实验室工作中的枯燥、危险的操作,从而满足了用户对自动化设备的需求。与其他拥有一项技术的器械生产商不同,IUL,S.A.以“微生物学技师”作为自身形象。IUL,S.A. 设计和制造的仪器包含了很广的范围:从样本的采集,制备,比例稀释,螺旋加样到手动、自动和全自动菌落计数分析等。
生产部不仅许多重要的部件在此制造,而且按照最新企业标准建立的严格的质控措施贯彻在各个装配阶段。所有IUL, S.A.的产品均经过仔细的出厂前检测,并建立质量跟踪记录。所有IUL产品的原料均具备最佳的品质,并且最为环保。

西班牙IUL instruments

上海德记行科技发展有限公司 chinmax



电话:+86 21 65757850 - 65757856

传真:+86 21 65757859 邮编:200086


  IUL,S.A. started business activities in 1987. Its goal and reason of being is to provide an easier, more comfortable, safe and reliable microbiological control for the industry, by providing the design and manufacturing of instrumentation for such purpose. The strength of the company resides in bringing innovation into the classic microbiology. All of the IUL,S.A. designs contain an original and unique idea, that in most of the cases is a worldwide patent. These ideas are used to solve either a tedious or unsafe work, or a problem that required the use of an automatic apparatus. IUL,S.A., unlike many of the other instrument manufacturers, has not select a technique, but a client profile: the microbiology technician. The instruments that IUL,S.A. designs and builds cover a wide range that goes from electromechanical apparatus to a state of the art software for plate reading, including high precision instruments for the measure of volumes and weights.
MANUFACTURING , In the manufacturing department, not only many of the numerous essential parts are produced, but also strict quality control procedures are followed during the intermediate assembling stages, following the latest normative for the industry. All and every one of the instruments produced by IUL,S.A. go through a deep final checking and a record is created to keep track of possible incidences. The materials used for the manufacturing of the IUL products are the ones with best intrinsic quality and also the ones that respect the best the natural environment.
DESIGN, The design department is, without a doubt, the core of IUL,S.A. In it professionals from different specialties: mechanics, electronics, computer technologies and even personal dedicated only on the final look of the instrument, mutually interact during the designing process. This teamwork has the objective of bringing technological innovations through ergonomically designed instruments keeping all time the final user in mind. This department is constantly working with new ideas to create new and better products.


COMERCIALIZATION, The IUL instruments are well known in Europe, its birthplace, but they are not only top sellers in the countries that configure the European Union, they are also top sellers in the U.S. as well as in Japan. The quality of production, the ideas that the IUL products incorporate and a reasonable pricing granted IUL a worldwide recognition. Nowadays there are more than 15.000 IUL users worldwide.