日本Nacalai Tesque www.nacalai.co.jp
Nacalai Tesque是日本最大的生命科学试剂贸易公司之一,生产并进出口生物技术相关试剂,实验室设备和优质生化试剂。Nacalai有着悠久的历史,150年前成立于首都东京。公司致力于发现于新的商业机会,不断变革以满足生物技术、奈米技术、基因组和蛋白质组等领域对生化试剂和相关耗材的需求。公司研制的COSMOSILHPLC柱系列产品具有经济实惠、质量高、寿命长的优势,迅速为世界各地的客户所喜爱。超越时代的COSMOSIL产品用于奈米技术更是无与伦比。
In 1846 the entrepreneur Mansuke Nakarai founded his apothecary business for Japanese and Chinese medicines. In 1906 the company started business activities for Western pharmaceuticals and in 1908 began to import reagents from Germany. Right from the beginning the company has always been deeply involved with the progress in health and science, always adopting business to changing times.
Since we have turned the reagent department of Nakarai Mansuke Shoten, Ltd. into Nakarai Chemicals Ltd. in 1958 we are proud of our services being highly appreciated by the academic and industrial world, thereby contributing directly to the well-being of society. In 1988, trusted by our partners and encouraged by our achievements, we changed our company name into NACALAI TESQUE, INC. in order to meet the challenges of a globalizing business environment.
Nacalai Tesque’s products are not only used in Japan, but in universities, research facilities, and companies all over the world. Especially in the fields of bio- and nanotechnology, the development of new drugs and materials, and in environmental analysis our products are of integral importance.
As a trusted company of such a long history Nacalai Tesque has the responsibility to Continuously improving services for present and new research areas. The Nacalai Tesque culture enables us to face new challenges, and our people combine our long business experience and huge network with their own knowledge and ambition. Nacalai Tesque is well equipped to do what we have always been doing: Providing highest quality products for leading-edge research and business.