
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

日本 . ATAGO

日本ATAGO 爱拓 www.atago.net

成立于1940年ATAGO(爱拓),多年来不断地致力于研究和开发多样化的光电产品,其主要产品为折射仪。 从食物加工,石油化学到金属制造,ATAGO(爱宕)产品现今被广泛的应用。

所有ATAGO(爱拓)产品在离开厂房时均经过严格彻底的检验-制造、组装、检验到运送的控管系统-因此, 我们能一直维持高品质与可信赖的杰出商誉。凭借着可靠优秀的品牌知名度, ATAGO产品获得来自全世界一百五十四多个不同国家客户的完全信赖。

"2002年7月,ATAGO(爱拓)美国有限公司在美国华盛顿州科特兰正式成立,作为我们在北美的分公司总部。 我们一如既往的追求全球化的目标,并以维持和提供高品质的顾客服务给我们在 全世界的经销商与终端客户做为我们必要的公司经营理念。

日本ATAGO 爱拓

ATAGO CHINA Guangzhou Co., Ltd,
地址 : 广州市天河区林和西路9号702
电话 : 86-20-38108256 传真 : 86-20-38109695
E-mail : info@atago-china.com
地址 : 日本173-0001东京都板桥区本町32-10
电话 : 81-3-3964-6156 传真 : 81-3-3964-6137
电子邮件信箱 : overseas@atago.net

索取ATAGO(爱宕)北美与中美洲国家产品 [可以提供日语,英语,西班牙语的服务]
地址 : 12011 NE First Street, Bldg. C, Suite 110, Bellevue, WA 98005 U.S.A.
电话 : 1-425-637-2107 传真 : 1-425-637-2110
电子邮件信箱 : customerservice@atago-usa.com
Established in 1940, ATAGO has continuously made strides in the research and development of a wide variety of optoelectronic products, mainly refractometers. ATAGO products are now used in various industries from food processing, beverage industries to petrochemicals and metalworking.

All ATAGO refractometers and polarimeters are manufactured in Japan and are exhaustively tested before leaving the factory -- the production control system from manufacturing, assembly, inspection to delivery -- thus maintaining an excellent reputation for equipment of high quality and excellent operational reliability. 
ATAGO products are recognized as a reliable brand and enjoys the fullest confidence of end users in more than 154 countries throughout the world.

In July 2002, ATAGO U.S.A., Inc. opened its doors in Kirkland, Washington, U.S.A. as their North American subsidiary office. As we continue to strive for globalization, maintaining a high level of customer service to both their distributors and end-users worldwide is an integral part of our company philosophy.