
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

美国 . Epitome
Epitome Biosystems

美国Epitome Biosystems      www.epitomebiosystems.com
继今年2月初以2200万美金成功收购Guava Technologies (Guava)*之后,密理博公司再度出资收购Epitome Biosystems’ EpiTag™技术。该项技术的收购将使密理博生物科学部门进一步拓展在multiplex immunoassay液相芯片检测方面的实力,为科学家提供更广阔的细胞信号传导解决方案。

密理博公司药物研发部门( Drug Discovery) VP, Rick Ryan强调: “ multiplex是密理博公司其中一条增长最快速的产品线,对EpiTag技术的收购,将加速产品的发展以及在市场上的增长。用户希望更清楚了解在癌症,糖尿病等各种疾病中细胞信号传导通路的重要性。EpiTag技术将使我们深入发展液相芯片技术,尤其是在先前细胞研究中难以检测和定量的部分.”


Epitome Biosystems, Inc. develops and commercializes innovative protein measurement products and services to increase the productivity of drug discovery and development. The Company’s products generate valuable information about the cell signaling network, which is a key interface for monitoring drug action and understanding disease. By delivering high-value information on cell signaling networks in a condensed time frame, Epitome’s products and services are driving new research approaches for the development of drugs and diagnostics.

The Company’s products include profiling chips and assay kits, based on proprietary EpiTag™ technology, and mass spectrometry-based discovery partnerships (Q-SONAR™). EpiTag™ profiling chips and multiplex assays provide highly specific, quantitative measurements of the cell signaling network. Q-SONAR™ generates quantitative, broad-based analyses to elucidate cell network dynamics and connectivity, identify potential new targets/biomarkers and more comprehensively assess on- and off-target effects of drugs. Epitome’s technology is validated, scaleable and can be applied broadly across the drug discovery and development continuum and translated to clinical biomarker applications. Epitome partners with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to deliver off-the-shelf products and customized solutions.