美国阿美特克(AMETEK )Signal Recovery www.signalrecovery.com www.ametek.com.cn www.ametek.com
Signal Recovery, 是世界知名的测量仪器品牌商,在物理、化学、光电、生物、医学等研究领域尤其是微小信号测量方面技术领先,享有盛誉;主营产品:锁相放大器、前置放大器、光电斩波器等。
SIGNAL RECOVERY is part of AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology, and designs, manufactures and sell lock-in amplifiers, signal averagers, amplifiers, light choppers and specialized voltmeters. We have been involved in this business since one of our constituent companies invented the lock-in amplifier, giving us a unique insight into the areas of research in which our products are used and the ability to really help customers solve difficult measurement problems.
For many years we traded under the EG&G and Brookdeal Electronics company names, with a brief period as part of PerkinElmer Instruments. These changes of ownership have led to our products carrying several different brand names, but since 2001 we have consistently used the SIGNAL RECOVERY name. But if you want to know a little more about our history, read on...
In 1972 EG&G purchased Brookdeal Electronics, a British company specializing in signal recovery instrumentation. At that time Brookdeal Electronics was well known throughout Europe and the Pacific Rim countries but relatively unknown in the USA. For some years therefore its products were distributed in the US by another EG&G company, ORTEC. Since ORTEC was a well known and respected US instrument company, the products carried the "ORTEC Brookdeal" brand name.
Several years later, in 1977, EG&G purchased "Princeton Applied Research" (PAR), a US company manufacturing scientific instrumentation which included a portfolio of signal recovery products. Since some of the products from PAR were similar to those offered by Brookdeal Electronics, a rationalization of the joint product lines took place over the following years and ultimately in 1986 PAR became the operating company and Brookdeal was closed. However much of the original expertise of the joint organization remained in the UK and so significant R&D and marketing has been conducted from the UK ever since.
Early in 1999 EG&G successfully completed the acquisition of Perkin Elmer’s analytical instruments business, a leading producer of high quality instruments and consumables. The transaction was part of an overall strategy by EG&G to focus its activities on meeting the needs of research and commercial customers requiring high-technology products and systems. An extensive market research campaign during the summer of that year revealed that the brand name Perkin Elmer was significantly better known by these customers than that of EG&G. Consequently, following stockholder approval and with effect from October 26, 1999, the corporation changed its name to PerkinElmer, Inc. Our products, too, were re-branded with the PerkinElmer name.
In December 2001 SIGNAL RECOVERY became part of the AMETEK group following the acquisition of the Instruments for Research and Applied Spectrometry (IRAS) Division from PerkinElmer, Inc. At that time, the IRAS division was renamed Advanced Measurement Technology, Inc (AMT), and at the same time the decision was taken to market the products under the the three constituent product brands of ORTEC (instruments for measuring nuclear radiation), PRINCETON APPLIED RESEARCH (instruments for electrochemistry), and SIGNAL RECOVERY. In October 2005 Solartron Analytical, a UK based supplier of electrochemistry instrumentation, was purchased by AMETEK and also became part of the AMETEK AMT group.
We acknowledge our history as PAR, Brookdeal Electronics, EG&G and PerkinElmer, are confident that as SIGNAL RECOVERY we are continuing to meet our customers' needs, and look forward to serving you.