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美国 . Illumina

美国Illumina www.illumina.com.cn  www.illumina.com
Illumina公司 (www.illumina.com)是全球领先的新一代生命科学工具的开发和生产者,并开发大规模分析遗传变异和生物功能的集成工具。我们利用专利技术,为测序、基因分型和基因表达提供全面的产品和服务,还将进入分子诊断市场。我们的客户包含一流的基因研究中心、药厂、研究院、临床研究机构和生物公司。我们的工具有足够的表现力、通量、成本效益和灵活性,使全世界的研究者能通过遗传实验来得到有价值的信息。我们相信这个信息能使研究者把遗传变异与生物功能关联起来,从而加大药物开发和临床研究,让疾病能更早地检测出来,为患者提供更好的药物。
Illumina的目标是用创新的技术以及革命性的检测手段提供基因变异 和功能研究, 这些研究使得个人化医疗成为可能。作为一家全球性公司,Illumina 以崭新的技术 在创新性,灵活性,可升级性,以及一流的服务与支持等方面创新了新的业界标准。illumina于1998年4月创立,2000年7月于Nasdaq上市,总部设在加利福尼亚的圣迭戈。

Illumina创新的芯片技术被称之为微珠芯片技术(BeadArray),在这项技术的帮助下,Illumina 击败了众多竞争对手,成为人类基因组项目最主要的基因芯片供应商,在2001年开始的“国际单体型测绘计划”(International HapMap Project)中提供SNP分型检测芯片,这个项目由六个国家发起,拥有 1 亿美元的后续研发资金,其宗旨是探索人的独特性,寻找个体对疾病的敏感性,以及对药物的不同反应的根本原因。

这项专利的技术目前已经扩展应用到DNA, RNA和蛋白质研究,对于疾病研究、药物 研发和分子诊断等领域。

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innovative technologies
At Illumina, our goal is to apply innovative technologies and revolutionary assays to the analysis of genetic variation and function, making studies possible that were not even imaginable just a few years ago. These studies will help make the realization of personalized medicine possible. With such rapid advances in technology taking place, it is mission critical to have solutions that are not only innovative, but flexible, scalable, and complete with industry-leading support and service. As a global company that places high value on collaborative interactions, rapid delivery of solutions, and prioritizing the needs of its customers, we strive to meet this challenge. Illumina抯 innovative, array-based solutions for DNA, RNA, and protein analysis serve as tools for disease research, drug development, and the development of molecular tests in the clinic.

See our corporate overview video
leading-edge products and services
Illumina has developed a comprehensive line of products that address the scale of experimentation and the breadth of functional analysis required to achieve the goals of molecular medicine. Our offering includes leading-edge solutions for:
SNP genotyping
Copy number variation
DNA methylation studies
Gene expression profiling
Low-multiplex analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein
Our products and services are used by a broad range of academic, government, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and other leading institutions around the globe.

a collaborative approach
In concert with prospective customers and partners, Illumina takes a highly collaborative approach to business relationships. We're good listeners, value feedback, and believe in working together. Illumina is committed to providing our customers with world-class solutions, service, and support throughout their relationship with us to maximize their scientific success.

building the illumina community
Staffed with a cohesive mix of high-performing scientists, engineers, managers, and support staff, Illumina is committed to building a team that delivers high-quality products and industry-leading service to the marketplace. Every employee is a critical part of the growing Illumina Community. Through our actions we strive to invite everyone associated with our company to become a part of this community. This includes customers, collaborators, suppliers, and industry colleagues.

Illumina was founded in April of 1998 by David Walt, Ph.D., CW Group (Larry Bock), John Stuelpnagel, D.V.M., Anthony Czarnik, Ph.D., and Mark Chee, Ph.D. While working with CW Group, a venture capital firm, Larry and John uncovered what would become Illumina?s BeadArray technology at Tufts University and negotiated an exclusive license to that technology. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Illumina completed its initial public offering in July, 2000.

Illumina began offering SNP genotyping services in 2001 and launched its first system, the Illumina BeadLab, in 2002, using GoldenGate Genotyping technology. Illumina currently offers microarray-based products and services for an expanding range of genetic analysis sequencing, including SNP genotyping, gene expression, and protein analysis. Illumina?s technologies are used by a broad range of academic, government, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and other leading institutions around the globe.