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美国 . Avanti Polar
Avanti Polar Lipids

美国Avanti Polar Lipids Inc www.avantilipids.com
Avanti Polar Lipids Inc, 是美国著名的磷脂类产品的生产商,该公司主要为各种制药厂和研究机构提供从毫克级到公斤级乃至吨级的磷脂类和甾体类中间体和试剂。
Avanti Polar Lipids.公司为世界范围内的研究机构和制药公司提供 1000 种以上脂类产品,由于其产品的高纯度而享誉全球,


Avanti Polar


For 40 years, Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. has been supplying lipids to researchers and pharmaceutical companies around the world. Not only has the range of products grown every year but so has Avanti’s unique reputation for purity. This brings us the satisfaction of our clients and the envy of our competitors.

Avanti’s clients order from a stock of over 1,000 lipids at affordable prices. They enjoy working with our dedicated Customer Service representatives and benefit from our informed Technical Support team.

Research clients are encouraged to contact us about custom synthesis of products not listed in our catalog. We are pleased to offer our Pharmaceutical clients products which follow cGMP guidelines.

Avanti’s selection of chemicals and range of services for Research and Pharmaceutical applications include

• Analytical Services • Bioactive Lipids
• Biotinylated Lipids
• Cationic Lipids
• L-threo-Lac Cer (Caveolar Uptake Inhibitor)
• Cholesterol, Plant & Animal Derived
• Coenzyme A, Fluorescent & Fatty Acyl Derivatives
• Deuterium Labeled Phospholipids & Sphingolipids
• Eicosanoids (synthetic)
• Extrusion Equipment for Liposome Preparation
• Fluorescent Phospholipids & Sphingolipids
• Glycosylated & Phosphorylated Sphingolipids
• Kdo2 Lipid A (TLR 4 Agonist)
• PHAD™ Synthetic Vaccine Adjuvant
• Lipid Formulation
• LPA, Cyclic LPA & LPA Analogues
• LIPID MAPS Mass Spec Standards
• Oxidized Lipids
• Sterols, Oxysterols, Deuterated & Fluorescent Sterols
• PIP’s, Polyunsaturated PIP3, & Fluorescent PIP’s
• Phospholipids & Sphingolipids
• Polymerizable Lipids, PEG-Lipids & Functionalized PEG’s
• Prostaglandins (synthetic)
• S1P/LPA Receptor Selective Agonists & Antagonists
• Sphingosyl PE & PI