
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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美国 . Dpss Laser
Dpss Laser

美国Dpss Laser  www.dpss-lasers.com
DPSS Lasers Inc. is a leading manufacturer of high power, short wavelength, solid state lasers. Superior reliability, unparalleled performance and world-class customer care are key
elements in our continued success. DPSS offers low-cost lasers and system solutions to a
wide variety of industrial, scientific and research applications.

In its ongoing tradition of leading the market in progressive technology, DPSS Lasers continues to invest in new technologies and system designs to broaden the range of lasers available to our customers. We believe that solid state laser technologies can access opportunities in a wide range of manufacturing and other processes that have been inaccessible to date because of the relative inefficiency and poor reliability of conventional short wavelength laser technologies.