
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

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加拿大 . Sciencetech Inc
Sciencetech Inc

加拿大Sciencetech Inc  www.sciencetech-inc.com

加拿大Sciencetech公司成立于1985年,总部位于安大略省伦敦1450 Global Drive专用工厂。其拥有三十多年之久的设计和生产太阳能模拟器和光谱仪系统的世界领先技术经验,是太阳能模拟器领域的一流品牌。目前Sciencetech公司的客户遍布全球24个国家,包括美国国家航天局(NASA)、欧洲航天局和喷气推进实验室(JPL),克斯普朗克固态研究所,马克斯普朗克物质结构与动力学研究所,布鲁克海文国家实验室,赫兹伯格天体物理研究所,阿贡国家实验室,无数大学,国内的航天院所等权威科研机构。


Sciencetech Inc. (SCI) has been designing and manufacturing optical spectroscopy instruments in Canada since 1985. Sciencetech instruments have been used in many applications and fields including medical research, biotechnology, space sciences, analytical chemistry, material research, pharmacology, applied physics, aerospace, food sciences, environmental and academic research.

SCI offers two main product groups, Modular Instruments and Custom Instruments. The company’s modular instruments are sold predominantly through a network of regional sales representatives to mainly researchers, whereas our custom instruments are typically sold directly through OEM and other partnership channels. SCI’s instrument design and development capabilities are evident in our distinguished list of customers, the broad range of applications for which our products are used for, and as well as in the company’s own branded line of products.

Modular Instruments: SCI is particularly proud of its line of modular instruments which form the company’s core products. SCI manufactures a variety of optical spectroscopy component such as micrometers, spectrographs, light sources, detector systems and accessories that can be used to produce a wide variety of spectroscopic systems. This modular concept facilitates the arrangement of optical components into configurations that best fit the needs of a specific spectroscopic application. For example, Raman spectrometers, fluorescence spectrometers, infrared spectrometers and spectrophotometers can all be assembled using SCI’s modular optical components. These modular components are detailed in a comprehensive catalogue from which customers can pick and choose from to build their own unique spectroscopic system. Every year catalogues are mailed to over 13,000 contacts worldwide and SCI’s Applications Support Staff are available to assist customers with system design and component selection.

Custom Instruments: SCI also manufactures Terahertz spectrometers (far infrared FTIRs), Solar Simulators, Microscope Photometers and other application specific spectrometers which are usually sold through OEM and other partnership channels.

SCI is particularly proud of its Terahertz spectrometer which has found applications in space, biomedical, and security applications for the detection and spectral analysis of THz and far infrared light. In 2003, the company was awarded a $1.5M USD contract by the European Space Agency for the design and manufacture of a highly customized terahertz spectrometer to calibrate the detectors on board the Plank/Herschel spacecraft that will be launched in 2008 to measure the cosmic background radiation leftover from the Big Bang.