
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

英国 . Burkard

英国Burkard    www.burkard.co.uk
Burkard公司成立于1952年, 专门生产制造医学、环保、农业和实验科学领域 优质的实验室和野外科学设备。本公司所制造的90%多的产品已投入海外市场,有些专门仪器设备已成为更广范领域的参考标准。作为制造公司,我们致力于进行从不间断的研究和发展工作,以确保我们在这个专门而精密复杂领域的领先地位。我们的研究和发展工作通常与大学或研究所合作进行,它们能为我们的最后设计方案提供实地的评估。


Burkard is a company which was established in 1952 to produce high quality Scientific Laboratory and Field equipment for the Medical, Environmental, Agricultural and Laboratory Sciences.

More than 90 per cent of our products reach overseas markets and a number of specialised instruments have become a standard of reference in a widely expanding field.

As a manufacturing company, we are committed to an ongoing programme of research and development to ensure our leadership in these specialised and sophisticated fields. Our R & D work is usually collaborated with University or Research Stations who are able to offer on-site evaluation of the final design.