
热门词:生物显微镜 水质分析仪 微波消解 荧光定量PCR 电化学工作站 生物安全柜

加拿大 . QImaging

加拿大QImaging www.qimaging.com
加拿大QImaging 设计、制造、销售用于生命科学研究和工业应用的高性能火线(FireWire® 1394) 数码 相机。QImaging 专长于开发用于定量图像分析和出版领域的高分辨率CCD数码相机。

QImaging designs, manufactures and markets high performance digital FireWire™ and USB 2.0 cameras for imaging in life science and industrial applications. QImaging specializes in CCD and CMOS digital cameras for demanding applications in quantitative image analysis and high resolution images for publication. QImaging operates through independent dealers and imaging system integrators in nearly every country in the world.

Since 1999, QImaging has designed its cameras for high performance and ease of use. All QImaging cameras are FireWire IEEE 1394 or USB 2.0 interfaced for simple connectivity, portability with laptop computer use and control of multiple cameras from one controller. QImaging continues to innovate, introducing the smallest vacuum cooled camera in the world, the world's first FireWire EMCCD camera for life science, the popular iGlo Technology and the recently released Go Series of cameras.

In order to offer the best imaging system for a user’s application, QImaging has formed numerous alliances with third party software companies and imaging system integrators. These companies offer QImaging cameras with microscopes and application specific software for life sciences and industrial imaging applications. QImaging, along with its international network of dealers and system integrators, are committed to providing high performance imaging systems and the support to go with it.

QImaging is an ISO:2002 Registered company.