安捷伦7820A甲烷转化炉HH790-CH4-GC测定空气中一氧化碳 详细信息:
适合于:安捷伦4890. 5890, 6890, 7890, 7820, 8860, 8890气相色谱仪上;岛津2010,2014,2030
安捷伦7820A甲烷转化炉HH790-CH4-GC测定空气中一氧化碳 测试谱图:

Determination of Carbon Monoxide in Air by Agilent 7820A Methane Conversion Furnace HH790-CH4-GC
Detailed information on the determination of carbon monoxide in the air using Agilent 7820A methane conversion furnace HH790-CH4-GC:
Name: Portable methane conversion furnace
Model: HH790-CH4-GC
Suitable for: Agilent 4890, 5890, 6890, 7890, 7820, 8860, 8890 gas chromatographs; Shimadzu 201020142030
Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. developed a methane conversion furnace gas chromatography FID detector to determine the content of trace amounts of carbon monoxide in the air. The area external standard method was used for quantification, and the results were satisfactory.
Features: Overcoming interference from oxygen, symmetrical peak shape
Agilent 7820A methane conversion furnace HH790-CH4-GC determination of carbon monoxide in the air test spectrum: