K-PECID,胶质识别检测试剂盒,Pectin Identification Assay Kit
英文品名:Pectin Identification Assay Kit
规格型号:500 assays per kit
For the identification of pectin in food ingredients. This kit nowemploys a new pectate lyase from Aspergillus niger.
Pectins consist of the partial methyl esters of polygalacturonic acidand their sodium, potassium, calcium and ammonium salts, obtained byextraction in an aqueous medium of appropriate edible plant material,usually citrus fruits or apples. Pectin is recovered from solution byprecipitation with an appropriate organic solvent such as ethanol,methanol or isopropanol. In some pectins, a portion of the methyl estersmay have been converted to primary amide groups by treatment withammonia under alkaline conditions. Older methods for the identificationof pectin involve solvent precipitation. These methods are non-specific.The method described here measures the increase in absorption at 235 nmon cleavage of pectate by a highly purified and specific enzyme, pectate lyase1.
Kits suitable for performing 500 assays are available from Megazyme andconsist of:
1. Concentrated Pectate Lyase enzyme
2. Low ester pectin extracted from citrus peel
3. High ester pectin extracted from citrus peel
4. Partly amidated low ester pectin from citrus peel
5. Pectin from sugar beet pulp
6. Iota carrageenan
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