Ionoptix钙浓度与肌细胞收缩测定系统主要用于测量心肌、血管壁平滑肌和骨骼肌等肌细胞的收缩长度以及钙离子浓度,主要由以下部件组成:光源系统、荧光模块、数据采集卡、刺激器、计算机、CCD摄像机、倒置显微镜以及数据采集分析软件。IonOptix 制造了一系列的模块,可以组装一个合理的系统,具备合理的性能和价位,欢迎广大用户和经销商来电咨询!
Since its foundation in 1990 IonOptix has been proudly making quality ratiometric fluorescence and cell dimensioning data acquisition systems. We provide turn-key solutions to a variety of experimental problems and all of our systems combine high performance with reasonable prices.
Our customers are life scientists working with isolated cells or blood vessels. We are particularly well known for our Calcium and Contractility System which allows researchers to simultaneously measure myocyte contraction and calcium transients. Emerging products include our new C-Pace EP, a system which helps prevent de-differentiation in isolated cell cultures through electrical conditioning.