
Accelrys HEOS®入驻BT云环境

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Accelrys HEOS®入驻BT云环境
       ——Accelrys外部化协作套件(Accelrys Externalized Collaboration Suite)中的行业领先的研究协同工作平台进入了安全、可靠、可扩展的云端基础设施之中

    波士顿,2013年4月9日,美通社-生物IT世界报导:Accelrys公司(纳斯达克: ACCL)—— 一个科技创新生命周期管理软件领域的领导者于今天宣布,基于云计算的信息管理和协同工作平台Accelrys HEOS®目前要与BT携手成为应用于生命科学研发领域的云端计算平台。BT为生命科学研发领域的HEOS用户提供安全的、可靠的和可伸缩的云环境,这使得医药研究机构及其合作伙伴之间的网络协作更加富有成效。BT和Accelrys之间的这一盟约在增强Accelrys外部化协作套件的企业级能力的同时,也推动了主体公司和外部化公司之间的联系,自2012年4月开始,公司之间的联系就已经开始。配备由BT提供的企业云基础设施后,Accelrys外部化协作套件就能够满足研究机构需要过渡到一个外部网络研究环境中的需求。
    “随着制药行业迅速向网络研究模式转变,相关组织机构正在努力提供安全、实时的信息交换和横跨外部网络的知识产权保护,”Accelrys公司高级副总裁兼首席技术官Matt Hahn博士说,“当他们向这种新的模式转变时,Accelrys和BT共同认识到药物研发机构需要在一个安全、可靠、全球化的云基础设施中进行高效的合作。”
    “由于现今需要通过外部网络研究来满足关键业务问题,因此BT在生命科学研发中的强健的云服务就显得至关重要,”BT全球服务部制药和化工领域总裁Bas Burger说,“Accelrys HEOS同其它用于外部化研究的Accelrys应用软件结合起来成为BT生命科学研发中的一部分,这样可使工作在制药和生物技术公      司,以及学术界和政府科研的科学家们都能够在云环境中高效协作。此平台旨在让客户遵循该行业严格的安全、监管和合规要求。”
    作为Accelrys外部化协作套件的一部分,Accelrys HEOS证明了软件即服务(SaaS)工作平台可加速协同合作的药物发现。该系统提供安全、实时的云端数据访问,可访问的数据包括化学品注册、生物测定结果、计算和可视化分析、安全评估和药代动力学数据以及其他项目信息,这将大幅降低访问这些材料信息所付出的努力和IT费用。由于所有知识产权都存储在一个安全的、包含具体项目信息的信息仓库内,因此Accelrys HEOS能帮助制药和生物技术公司、合同研究机构、学术机构以及其他有合作关系的研究组织访问关键信息、分享结果并及时地做出正确决策。
    应用于生命科学研发领域的BT使用BT云计算技术已经开发出一个安全的、被隔离的平台。它允许科学家在silico工作流和数据管道中进行构造和编排,以便识别新药物靶点和候选药物。该平台,开始于2012年的BioIT World,,它使科学家们能够创建全球化的项目组,并且使他们可以通过社交媒体工具进行协作。该生态系统允许科学家们安全地上传文件、共享结果并通过IM进行交流,包括语音、视频或者聊天。他们还可以在一个环境中分析结果,这个环境可以分割数据,并可以使用合格的硬件组件和制药行业特定的工作流。
    如想获取更多有关Accelrys HEOS和Accelrys Externalized Collaboration Suite的信息,请访问Accelrys公司官方网站。

    Accelrys公司(NASDAQ: ACCL),是系统提供科技创新生命周期管理软件领域的领导者,支持行业和组织依靠科技创新来提升自身竞争力。行业领先的Accelrys企业平台,提供广泛而灵活的科学解决方案,优化整合科学的多样性、实验过程以及在研发、生产、工艺放大早期生产阶段产品开发过程的信息需求。通过在建模与仿真、企业级实验室管理、工作流和自动化方面的应用程序、数据管理及信息学方面的整合能力,Accelrys使得科学创新者以前所未有的方式访问、组织、分析并分享,最终提高创新能力,提高生产率和合规性,降低成本并加速从实验室到市场的时间。
    Accelrys解决方案应用于1300多家公司,涉及制药、生物技术、能源、化学、航空航天、快速消费品和工业产品等行业。Accelrys总部位于美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈,员工包括200多名具有博士学位的科学家。如想了解更多关于Accelrys的公司的信息,您可以访问公司网站 www.accelrys.com

    2013年3月31日的财年会议上公布了BT集团的总收入为£18,897m,税前利润为£2,445m。英国电信公司(BT)是英国电信集团(BT Group)全资子公司,几乎包括BT集团的所有业务和资产。英国电信集团已分别在伦敦和纽约的证券交易所上市。如想了解更多相关信息,您可以访问BT公司网站www.btplc.com


Accelrys HEOS® Goes Live on BT Cloud Environment
Industry-leading research collaboration workspace within Accelrys Externalized Collaboration Suite moves to secure, reliable, scalable cloud infrastructure

BOSTON, April 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Bio-IT World -- Accelrys, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACCL), a leading provider of scientific innovation lifecycle management software, today announced that the cloud-based Accelrys HEOS® information management and collaboration workspace is now live on BT for Life Sciences R&D cloud platform. BT for Life Sciences R&D provides a secure, reliable and scalable cloud environment for HEOS users, enabling more efficient and productive networked collaboration by pharmaceutical research organizations and their partners. The latest engagement between BT and Accelrys furthers the relationship on hosting and externalization that has been in place between the companies since April 2012, while strengthening the enterprise capabilities of the Accelrys Externalized Collaboration Suite announced today at Bio-IT World. Combined with the enterprise cloud infrastructure provided by BT, the Accelrys Externalized Collaboration Suite addresses the needs of research organizations transitioning to an externalized network research environment.

"With the pharmaceutical industry moving rapidly to a network research model, organizations are struggling to provide secure, real-time information exchange and IP protection across externalized networks," said Dr. Matt Hahn, senior vice president and chief technology officer, Accelrys. "Accelrys and BT recognize the need for drug discovery research organizations to collaborate effectively within a secure, reliable, global cloud infrastructure as they move to this new model."

"BT’s robust Life Sciences for R&D cloud service is essential to meeting the critical business issues raised by externalized network research today," said Bas Burger , president of Global Pharmaceutical & Chemical for BT Global Services. "Combining Accelrys HEOS and other Accelrys applications for externalized research as part of BT for Life Sciences R&D enables scientists working in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, as well as academia and government, to collaborate effectively in a cloud environment. The platform is designed to allow customers to comply with the industry’s stringent security, regulatory and compliance requirements."

As part of the Accelrys Externalized Collaboration Suite, Accelrys HEOS is a proven Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) workspace that accelerates collaborative drug discovery. The system provides secure, real-time cloud access to data about such things as chemical registration, biological assay results, computational and visual analytics, safety assessment and pharmacokinetics data, and other project information. This material can be accessed with greatly reduced effort and IT overhead. Accelrys HEOS enables pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, contract research organizations, academic institutions and other partnering research organizations to access critical information, share results and make informed decisions in a timely manner with all IP stored in a secure, project-specific information warehouse.

BT for Life Sciences R&D was developed as a secure and segregated platform, using BT Cloud Compute. It allows scientists to construct and orchestrate in silico workflows and data pipelines so that new pharmaceutical targets and drug candidates can be identified. This platform, launched at BioIT World 2012, enables research scientists to create global project groups and collaborate using social media tools. This ecosystem allows them to securely upload documents, share results and communicate via IM, voice, video or chat. They can also analyze results in an environment that segments data and uses qualified hardware components and workflows specific to the pharmaceutical industry.

Refer to the Accelrys website for more information on Accelrys HEOS and the Accelrys Externalized Collaboration Suite.

About Accelrys, Inc.
Accelrys, Inc. (NASDAQ: ACCL), a leading provider of scientific innovation lifecycle management software, supports industries and organizations that rely on scientific innovation to differentiate themselves. The industry-leading Accelrys Enterprise Platform provides a broad and flexible scientific solution optimized to integrate the diversity of science, experimental processes and information requirements across the research, development, process scale-up and early manufacturing phases of product development. By incorporating capabilities in applications for modeling and simulation, enterprise lab management, workflow and automation, and data management and informatics, Accelrys enables scientific innovators to access, organize, analyze and share data in unprecedented ways, ultimately enhancing innovation, improving productivity and compliance, reducing costs and speeding time from lab to market.

Accelrys solutions are used by more than 1,300 companies in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, energy, chemicals, aerospace, consumer packaged goods and industrial products industries. Headquartered in San Diego, California, USA, Accelrys employs more than 200 full-time PhD scientists. For more information about Accelrys, visit www.accelrys.com.

About BT
BT is one of the world’s leading providers of communications services and solutions, serving customers in more than 170 countries. Its principal activities include the provision of networked IT services globally; local, national and international telecommunications services to its customers for use at home, at work and on the move; broadband and internet products and services and converged fixed/mobile products and services. BT consists principally of four lines of business: BT Global Services, BT Retail, BT Wholesale and Openreach.

In the year ended 31 March 2012, BT Group’s revenue was £18,897m with profit before taxation of £2,445m.

British Telecommunications plc (BT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Group plc and encompasses virtually all businesses and assets of the BT Group. BT Group plc is listed on stock exchanges in London and New York.
For more information, visit www.btplc.com


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