来宝网 2017/9/27点击1979次
Luminex液相抗体芯片技术采用不同颜色编码的微球,包被相应的特异性抗议,在一个孔可同时检测多达100种分析物,利用96孔板作为反应板,实现高通量的蛋白精确定量。R&D Systems 公司与Luminex 公司有着15年合作的历史,并且具有丰富的免疫检测经验,采用与elisa质量一致的抗体对筛选和缓冲液体系优化,在“金标准ELISA”的基础上,提供最高标准和最优性能的Luminex多重检测试剂。
Luminex high Performance Assays 是市面上最精准的多因子检测试剂盒,其无可超越的线性相关性,可与Quantikine? ELISA 匹配 Our High Performance Luminex Assays are the most rigorously validated Luminex assays on the market. Our High Performance assays are designed to yield the best possible data in terms of linearity of dilution, sensitivity, reproducibility, spike and recovery, specificity and detection of endogenous protein. They are also validated against the industry standard Quantikine? kits, the most trusted ELISA assay on the market. Human XL Cytokine Discovery Luminex? High Performance Assay Panel内部提供45个因子自由选择