

来宝网 2013/8/28点击1371次


试剂厂家LUXCEL提供独有的时间分辨荧光探针技术,令研究者可在 BMG高端TRF荧光酶标仪上用细胞或分离的线粒体进行简单的,高通量的和实时的胞外氧消秏量(ecOCR),胞内氧消秏量(icOCR)和胞外酸化率(ECA)等代谢指标检测。
综合不同LUXCEL试剂,研究者可在同一样本中进行多个细胞代谢,线粒体功能与毒性指标检测(e.g. ORC,ECA和ATP) 。
The Enzymatic Activity of Apoptosis Inducing Factor Supports Energy Metabolism Benefitting the Growth and Invasiveness of Advanced Prostate Cancer Cells Lewis EM, Wilkinson AS, Jackson JS, Mehra R, Varambally S, Chinnaiyan AM, Wilkinson JC., J Biol Chem. (2012 Nov) .
Galloflavin, a new lactate dehydrogenase inhibitor, induces the death of human breast cancer cells with different glycolytic attitude by affecting distinct signaling pathways Farabegoli F, Vettraino M, Manerba M, Fiume L, Roberti M, Di Stefano G., Eur J Pharm Sci. (2012 Nov); 47(4):729-38
Prediction of liver injury induced by chemicals in human with a multiparametric assay on isolated mouse liver mitochondria Porceddu M, Buron N, Roussel C, Labbe G, Fromenty B, Borgne-Sanchez A. Toxicol Sci. (2012 Oct);129(2):332-45
Skolimowski M, Nielsen MW, Abeille F, Skafte-Pedersen P, Sabourin D, Fercher A, Papkovsky D, Molin S, Taboryski R, Sternberg C, Dufva M, Geschke O, Emnéus J., Biomicrofluidics, (2012), 6, 034109
Jonathan Boyd, Julie A. Vrana, Holly N. Williams, Tox (2012)
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