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  • 世联博研(北京)科技有限公司

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供应信息 价格 产品详情
现货NN-L3 Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Nikon TE2000 电议 查看详请
现货NN-K Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Nikon TMD-300 / TE-300 电议 查看详请
现货NN-H-5 Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Nikon Ti-2 电议 查看详请
现货NO-SZX2A Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Olympus SZX9/12 (transmitted) 电议 查看详请
现货NO-SIX-2 Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Olympus IX70/IX50 & IX51/71/81 电议 查看详请
现货NO-RIX Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Olympus IX70/IX50 电议 查看详请
现货NO-TIX-2 Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Olympus IX51/71/81 电议 查看详请
现货NO-SZXB Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Olympus SZX9/12 (reflected) 电议 查看详请
现货NO-SZXA Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Olympus SZX9/12 (transmitted) 电议 查看详请
现货NO-WIA Micromanipulator Mounting for Olympus BX51WI 电议 查看详请
现货NR Vertical Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter (Rotates) 电议 查看详请
现货NO-WIX-2 Micromanipulator Mounting for Olympus IX70/IX50 & IX51/71/81 电议 查看详请
现货NO-WIB Micromanipulator Mounting for Olympus BX51WI 电议 查看详请
现货NR-35 Rotating Adjustable Clamp for MWO-3 and MHW-3 电议 查看详请
现货P-1C Micromanipulator Mounting Plate (14mmø) 电议 查看详请
现货P-1B Micromanipulator Mounting Plate (12mmø) 电议 查看详请
现货P-1A Micromanipulator Mounting Plate (10mmø) 电议 查看详请
现货OR-50 Three-Axis Oil Hydraulic Fine Micromanipulator with Joystick Control 电议 查看详请
现货NZ-4-2 Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter 电议 查看详请
现货NZ-3 Micromanipulator Mounting Adapter for Zeiss IM35/ICM405 电议 查看详请

联系人:王荣 电话:18618101725 手机:18618101725