优纳,中国最早的数字病理公司,是由国家顶尖人才—郑众喜教授在北京中关村创立的国家“火炬计划”重点高新技术企业,中国率先实现全切片数字扫描技术创新和产品化,率先提出“数字病理”概念,十五年如一日引领和培育了中国数字病理市场和产业。 优纳以数字病理为核心,不断创新发展,现已成为国内首家具有完整病理全系列设备、试剂耗材全套解决方案的综合型企业;优纳立足中国,放眼世界。除北京、上海外,优纳还在美国和德国建立了研发中心和营销中心,广纳全球英才,共同为中国病理事业服务。 UNIC is a market leader in digital pathology, with the total solutions from biopsy to diagnosis. We are uniquely positioning to break down the barriers through the full workflow. “iScan, uSmile” is at the heart of our corporate culture, and our consistent innovations and cutting-edge technologies help improve pathological workflow efficiency and diagnosis accuracy. Based in Beijing, the silicon valley of China, UNIC is rapidly expanding its business in China, the United States, and Germany. UNIC is striving to become a world-leader in the field. 公司网站: http://www.unic-tech.cn
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