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  • neoLab Migge Laborbedarf-Vertriebs GmbH

    模块加热器 微管加热摇床 轨道振荡器 角度振荡器 涡旋离心机 旋转涡旋混合器 旋转器 涡旋混匀器 铝制移液器盒 多功能枪头托盘 多功能盒 数字微升移液器
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The experts in lab equipment, neoLab, celebrate 50 years of innovative history. During these years the company developed from a one-man business to a wide-ranging company within the global market, selling more than 30,000 articles for laboratories. This success is based on a forward-looking, innovative tradition and a determined realisation of the best ideas. The company''''s traditional local distribution has expanded to catalogue sales for world wide distribution. The neoLab-catalogue, in the beginning developed only for a limited number of specialty products has now reached a volume of more than 700 pages and has made its name in the market. Not only the catalogue business, but also the development of own brand marks under the general brand "neoLab" initiated world wide attention. Over the last years the founding of own sales offices in different German regions has been in constant progress. neoLab has now two sales offices in the Berlin/Brandenburg and the Munich/Bavaria region.
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neoLab Migge Laborbedarf-Vertriebs GmbH
联系人:刘 电话:021-60831155 手机:15026826914