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  • KMP2282-重组人CD155蛋白|PVR重组蛋白



更新时间:2024/3/28 15:08:01




厂商性质: 生产型,

公司名称: 卡梅德生物科技(天津)有限公司

产品关键词: PVR   CD155   Human CD155 Protein   重组人脊髓灰质炎病毒受体   重组人CD155蛋白  


江志华 : (13116038708) (400-621-6806/022-82164980)



产品编号: KMP2282

产品名称: Human CD155 Protein, mFc Tag

中文名称: 重组人CD155蛋白

中文全称: 重组人脊髓灰质炎病毒受体蛋白

关键词: 重组人脊髓灰质炎病毒受体, Poliovirus Receptor, Nectin-Like Protein 5, NECL-5, CD155, PVR, PVS, Human CD155 Protein, mFc Tag, Recombinant Protein, KMP2282


物种: Human

宿主: HEK293 Cells

规格: 50ug, 100ug, 200ug

纯化方式: Affinity purification

纯度: >95% as determined by SDS-PAGE

内毒素水平: <1.0 EU/ug determined by the LAL method

缓冲液: PBS, pH7.4

Uniprot: P15151

SDS-PAGE: KMP2282 SDS-PAGE image1.png

功能: Mediates NK cell adhesion and triggers NK cell effector functions. Binds two different NK cell receptors: CD96 and CD226. These interactions accumulates at the cell-cell contact site, leading to the formation of a mature immunological synapse between NK cell and target cell. This may trigger adhesion and secretion of lytic granules and IFN-gamma and activate cytotoxicity of activated NK cells. May also promote NK cell-target cell modular exchange, and PVR transfer to the NK cell. This transfer is more important in some tumor cell expressing a lot of PVR, and may trigger fratricide NK cell activation, providing tumors with a mechanism of immunoevasion. Plays a role in mediating tumor cell invasion and migration.

(Microbial infection) Acts as a receptor for poliovirus. May play a role in axonal transport of poliovirus, by targeting virion-PVR-containing endocytic vesicles to the microtubular network through interaction with DYNLT1. This interaction would drive the virus-containing vesicle to the axonal retrograde transport.

(Microbial infection) Acts as a receptor for Pseudorabies virus.

(Microbial infection) Is prevented to reach cell surface upon infection by Human cytomegalovirus /HHV-5, presumably to escape immune recognition of infected cell by NK cells.

产品背景: Poliovirus Receptor(PVR) is a 70 kDa type I transmembrane single-span glycoprotein that belongs to the nectin-like(Necl) family and was originally identified based on its ability to mediate the cell attachment and entry of poliovirus(PV), an etiologic agent of the central nervous system disease poliomyelitis. PVR contains three Ig-like extracellular domains, a transmembrane segment, and a cytoplasmic tail. The normal cellular function of PVR maybe the involvement of intercellular adhension between epithelial cells. Alternate splicing of the PVR mRNA yields four different isoforms(α, β, γ, and δ) with identical extracellular domains.

保存条件: Aliquot and store at -20℃ to -80℃. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.

运输条件: In general, the proteins are provided as lyophilized powder which are shipped at ambient temperature. They are shipped out in dry ice if supplied in liquid form.

说明: This product is for research use only.

官网链接: https://www.kmdbioscience.cn/

参考文献: 1.BMC Cancer 4:73-73 (2004)           

2.Mol. Immunol. 42:463-469 (2005)        

3.Cell 56:855-865 (1989)              

4.Science 280:1618-1620 (1998)             

5.Nat. Immunol. 6:181-188 (2005)
