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Cellular Technology Limited(CTL)总部位于俄亥俄州克里夫兰市,是一家性的生物技术公司,设有分支机构和分销商。 我们是开发,使用和制造专门用于细胞免疫检测标准化工具,包括:
一个大规模的冷冻保存的 PBMC 细胞库:
有用户预期的 HLA 型和抗原反应性的个体或群组,供用户选择。这些全功能的细胞,是理想的参考标准,或者用于研发,检定和验证。
· 用于实验,运输和存储。
T 细胞监测:
· ELISPOT 解决方案以高灵敏度测量细胞因子表达(cytokine profiles) 或杀伤活性(cytolytic activity)
· ImmunoSpot?分析仪,用于客观和全自动 ELISPOT 数据分析
· ELISPOT 试剂盒 - 四色
· 标准化测试的试剂,包括 PBMC 标准品细胞
· 分析咨询和实验培训
· 符合 GLP 规范的实验室服务
B 细胞监测(除上述之外),BioSpot?分析仪用于高通量抗体中和测试,包括:
· 斑点形成实验分析(Focus Forming Assay,FFA)
· 免疫染色检测
· 病毒/细菌中和(SBA / OPA / OPK)
· Lytic 斑块分析
· 菌落计数(可见光和荧光 MLA,AMES)
Cellular Technology Limited(CTL)一直致力于将 ELISPOT 转变为可靠的, 经过科学验证的免疫监测技术。在该领域积累的专业知识是 CTL ImmunoSpot? 产品系列中不可或缺的一部分,我们在此与您分享。
CTL 在 ELISPOT 的各个方面拥有广泛的专业知识的机构:
· 基础研究和应用(Basics and Applications)
· 实验室外包、临床评价服务(Contract Laboratory Services)
· 仪器设备(Instrumentation)
· 试剂盒(ELISPOT Kits)
· 冻存细胞和标准品(PBMC)
· 试剂(Media)
CTL 的创始人兼首席执行官 Paul V. Lehmann 博士以及与他一起工作的科学家创造的二十多项“ELISPOT 领域:
· Build an ELISPOT reader (US Patent 6,410,252 B1; filed 12/95) – marking the beginning of the CTL ImmunoSpot? reader line which introduced objectivity, reproducibility, and documentation trails in ELISPOT analysis.
· Introduce and use PVDF plates for ELISPOT assays (Science, 1996, 271:1728-30 and US Patent 6,140,252; filed 12/95), which was one of the critical improvements that transformed an assay that previously had the reputation of “cold fusion” into the robust platform it is today.
· Define which cytokines and spot sizes are T cell-derived (and thus relevant for T cell diagnostics) and which are “bystander” cytokine spots (J. Immunol. 2002,168:545-53 and J. Neuroimmunol. 2005, 170:105-14), introducing the basics for using ELISPOT as a scientifically-validated T cell diagnostic tool.
· Use ELISPOT to understand different qualities of immunity induced by vaccination, delineating different T cell effector classes (Science, 1996, 271:1728-30).
· First to establish that CpG PAMS induce Th1 immunity (J. Exp. Med. 1997, 186:1623-31).
· Establish the scientific principles of ELISPOT analysis, such as how to interpret different spot sizes (J. Immunol. 2001, 167:1353-61), introducing the basics of automated gating strategies that ImmunoSpot? applies.